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Ramadan : things that can break your fasting?

Ramadan, the ninth month of Islam, is here and Muslims across the globe are enjoined to adhere to the rules that guide fasting in the glorious month.

Scholars have opined that there are some acts that must be avoided in the holy month. While Islam preaches that every Muslim must abstain from these acts in their everyday life, total abstinence is more pronounced in the holy month because engaging in any of them might invalidate one’s fasting. Here are 10 things that must be avoided in the month of Ramadan:

1. Control your gaze

Purity of the mind and soul is encouraged in the holy month; hence, Muslims are advised to watch how they gaze at the opposite sex during Ramadan. Gazing at the opposite sex without caution could pollute the mind.

2. Do not smoke

Smoking is highly prohibited during Ramadan. The act is a subject of controversial debates in Islam, with some scholars suggesting that it should be avoided totally in everyday life. It is however not accepted in whatever form during fasting.

3. Avoid alcohol, wild parties

Alcoholic drinks are highly forbidden in Islam; during Ramadan, it is pointless saying that it is not accepted. But because there are Muslims – in Nigeria too – who drink alcohol, it must be stated that it is totally prohibited in the month of Ramadan.

4. Avoid excessive consumption

Fasting avails Muslims the opportunity to feel the pang of hunger and know how the needy feels. But sometimes, the urge to make up for the long hours of fasting pushes people into excessive consumption during ‘Iftar‘ (break of fast) period. Muslims should avoid this.

5. Do not be lazy/Inactive

Muslims are not expected to stay idle all day because they are fasting. Laziness is not encouraged in the holy month as fasting is no excuse to remain unproductive.

6. Avoid meaningless, non-productive engagements

As much as Islam advises Muslims to be active during Ramadan, it does not encourage involvement in baseless activities. Muslims are expected to limit their engagement with things of the world during Ramadan and engage in lots of Ibadah – acts of worship.

7. Do not hold grudges

Islam is a religion of peace and it is expected that Muslims should reconcile with people against whom they hold grudges even outside Ramadan. It is doubly so in Ramadan as doing otherwise could invalidate one’s fasting.

8. Do not ‘socialise‘ too much

The advent of the internet and the proliferation of social media have changed how people live their lives. Many Nigerians, the youth especially, spend long hours on the internet engaging in frivolous conversations. Ramadan should be a time for sober reflection and lots of Ibadah.

9. Avoid excessive sleep

While it is not prohibited to sleep in the holy month, Muslims are enjoined to spend a significant part of the month observing prayers and reciting the Quran – day and night.

10. Avoid adult talks and lewd conversations

Adult talks and lewd conversations are commonplace today, especially on the internet. A Muslim is expected to be decorous in the Holy month (and beyond) by avoiding lewd, immoral talks or acts.

Things that break the fast

Deliberate eating and drinking breaks the fast. It does not matter whether this is something edible or not. Therefore deliberate swallowing of food, drink and even coins, pebbles, soil, skin , nails and so on will break the fast
Sexual intercourse breaks the fast.
Menstruation (hyd) and post natal bleeding (nifaas) breaks the fast.
Deliberate Vomiting breaks the fast.
Cupping breaks the fast
Taking medications via the mouth will break the fast
Taking injections or having blood transfusions which nourish the body will break the fast.
Kindey dialyses whereby the blood is taken out and cleaned and then put back in with added sugars and salts will break the fast.
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) a man came and said, “O Messenger of Allah, I have been destroyed.” He asked him, “What has happened to you?” He replied, “I had intercourse with my wife while I was fasting.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) then told him, “Do you have a slave that you can free?” He replied, “No.” He then said, “Can you fast two months consecutively?” he replied, “No.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) then asked him, “Can you feed sixty poor people?” He replied, “No.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) then kept silent when a big basket full of dates was brought to him. He said, “Where is the questioner?” The man replied, “It is I.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) told him, “Take these dates and give them in charity.” The man said, “To someone poorer than I, O Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)? By Allah, there is no family between Madinah’s mountains poorer than I.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) laughed to such an extent that his premolars could be seen. He then said, “Feed your family with it.”
Recorded by Muslim

Things that do not break the fast

If a person accidently eats, drinks or swallows anything it does not break his fast and they should continue fasting.
 Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever forgets he is fasting and eats or drinks, let him complete his fast for it is Allaah Who has fed him and given him to drink.”  ( Bukhari and Muslim)
Cleaning teeth using Siwaak does not break the fast.
Having ears syringed  will not break the fast.
Having a shower, bath or immersing one's self in water does not break the fast as long as one does not swallow the water.
Involuntary  vomiting does not break the fast.
The scholars of the Standing Committee said: 
If there are ulcers on his gums or they bleed when he uses the miswaak, it is not permissible to swallow the blood and he has to spit it out. But if it enters his stomach without him meaning it to or swallowing it deliberately, there is no sin on him. The same applies to vomit, if it goes back into his stomach without him meaning it to, then his fast is still valid. End quote. 
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 10/254. 
A nose bleed does not break the fast.
A wet dream does not break the fast.
Emission of prostatic fluid does not break the fast.
Insertion of a scope or intra-uterine device (IUD or “coil”) and the like into the uterus does not break the fast/
Insertion into the urethra – for males or females – of a catheter does not break the fast.
Ramadan : things that can break your fasting? Ramadan : things that can break your fasting? Reviewed by DailyGgist_Official on May 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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