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11 most Beautiful Sunnahs of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) to be practice on Eid day

This is for our Muslim readers who are passionate on knowing more about Sunnah (What prophet Muhammad did in his lifetime)
Just before we go into the main point, let's take a look at what sunnah is and why we should practice it.

What is Sunnah 

Sunnah is an Arabic language meaning copying of what someone has done.

But Islamically, Sunnah means all what Prophet Muhammad did during his lifetime.
So if someone want to practice sunnah you must obey all what prophet Muhammad has said to do and those not to do.

Now that we've understand the word Sunnah, for those reading this that are Muslim. Let's have a brief about who's prophet Muhammad, because there's no way to discuss about sunnah without mentioning the word Muhammad.

Who is Prophet Muhammad?

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is a Messenger of Allah who was sent to the the whole world. So every generation has their own prophet, but Prophet Muhammad is the only prophet of today's generation.

I think you've understand some useful terms.
So let's dive into our main topic : 11 most Beautiful Sunnahs of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) to be practice on Eid day

Below are the eleven Sunnahs;

  • Ritual bath.

  • Do not eat before going to Eid (For Eid-l- kabeer) but make sure you eat on Eid-ul- fitri prayer.

  • Wear your best clothe (at least white ).
  • Use perfume (male only).

  • Supplicate on your way to Eid (Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar laillaha illalahu Allahu akbar walillahil hamd).

  • No naffilah in Eid ground.

  • Going to Eid with foot not car or bike.

  • Change road when going back home.

  • Spread greetings (taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum).

  • Perform two raka’at when you are back from Eid (i.e at home).

  • Visitation to friends, families, neighbors .
Those are all the 11 sunnah of prophet Muhammad on Eid day. May All accept all our ibaadat (Ameen)

Don't forget to share out this useful information to friends and family 
Note: by sharing this article out is Also an act of ibadah. Thanks for reading!

11 most Beautiful Sunnahs of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) to be practice on Eid day 11 most Beautiful Sunnahs of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) to be practice on Eid day Reviewed by DailyGgist_Official on June 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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