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My journey as a blogger: how i earn my first $300 in 3 months

Hello readers, I'm Abdulmaleeq by name I'm the CEO at and also i manage some other WordPress website which i will talk about later. Today i will be sharing out my experience as a blogger, all what i encountered and how I earned my first $300 within 3months of blogging.

Well I'm not sharing this information in order to boast but just to encourage the young and upcoming bloggers.

During my first year in the university, i always think about my future and how i can make it in life. One day i came across one article on social media talking about how you can earn up to $5,000 in month i asked my self can this thing happened not knowing it was a blood of ignorance that is affecting me to see the truth. I thought about reading the article and all what i came across was extremely endearing. So I decided to start out my own blog too. I was so confused because there's no one to tutor me then. I keep on doing more research until i gained some useful skill about blogging.

Along with my research every blogger on the internet made it clear to that the best platform to start my blogging career is WordPress. I keep on doing more research on WordPress then i noticed WordPress is of two types. There's one of and and i was given an extensive and very comprehensive reason why is better than

So since we're not here today to talk about differences between the two type of WordPress. In short sha i also came across a post about platform. All what i could gathered was that is the best platform for any person who wish to start blogging if you don't really have much capital to start up. But during this time, i never blog for money. Just because I like politics so i set one blog and i started blogging. I haven't bought my custom domain then i was using so after like a month of blogging i started pulling some traffic to my blog and when a friend of mine saw the type of traffic i was having then he advised me to monetize my traffic and that was the beginning of trouble.

See Also : How to make your first $500 without having a blog

Yes, i mean trouble because the first advertising network i applied for was google AdSense and i wasn't gotten approved later i noticed its because of .blogspot domain name i was using I tried to raise some money and i bought my custom domain name still yet AdSense did not approve my request but due to the fact that I was not blogging for money but don't let me lie you, no one would see a great opportunity and ignore it. I started my research on how to get Google approval within 10 days and i end up writing this useful article which now ranked number 7 on the Google first page. Check the screenshot below

For clarification type : "how to get Google AdSense approval within 10 days" on Google and see the beauty.

After some weeks of research i became Google AdSense expert and got my first approval from adsense. Wow! Every body was just greeting me as if i bought a new car. Why? Just because around that time its very hard to get Google AdSense approval. But since then i decided to put down a very useful article which i guarantee anybody that follow my steps adsense approval within 10days. Here is the article .

So immediately after Google approval i setup the ads unit and ads started showing on my website. I was having nothing less than 3,000 page views as at that time but later it keeps increasing small small. Just one day i decided to check my adsense account for my balance i was so surprised to met $176 in my adsense dashboard though i haven't got to understand the real secret behind earning good amount that time but what i noticed was that my CPC was around $5 per click. Had it been i have know i would have strive to get more clicks.

So during my third month i arrived at $300 and thought of cashing out. I have never relent on doing more research, i learn about search engine optimization popularly known as SEO. And i thank God i archieved a lot. Currently with the knowledge of seo I learnt I'm having 12 articles ranking well on Google search engine. That Was how I started having audience from foreign countries like USA, UK, Canada, Netherland, and so on. So right now I'm having nothing less than 10,000 page views per day and roughly minimum of 2k clicks on my ads. You know how much 2k clicks per day on adsense would yield to? Around $70
Below is the screenshot of the list traffic i could get:
And also my Alexa ranking increased from 24,million global rank to 4 million global ranking. Check the screenshot below
I was like wow... Not knowing I haven't arrive where am going.

Just after some cash out, I thought of moving from blogger to WordPress but there's one thing to me i still preferred blogger than WordPress because of some reasons. But i tried out some WordPress website also and I got to know the real difference.

After I noticed that almost 12 of my articles are one google first page I thought of leaving entertainment niche to something that can add value to life of people.

I started out with semrush tools which am paying a huge of money every month for subscription.

Early this year i started learning some programming language and which has been keeping me busy because of the bulky job I'm getting from people.


Being a blogger was never my big mistake because i am happy to become a blogger and also a programmer. I want you to learn from my experience, always have focus on what so ever you lay hands on. Don't ever get upset motivate your self and always do more research. Check our contact us page if you wish to own your blog and earn your first $500

Thanks for reading, I hope you have learnt something new about me today.

My journey as a blogger: how i earn my first $300 in 3 months My journey as a blogger: how i earn my first $300 in 3 months Reviewed by DailyGgist_Official on June 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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