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Profitable business in Nigeria with little capital

Everyone needs money, but not everyone knows how to make money. If you want to know how to get engaged in a lucrative business in Nigeria and make big, you should proceed! The post is about profitable business in Nigeria with little capital, and maybe you will get inspiration for your own venture.

Lucrative business in Nigeria with small capital Every successful company started small, which means everybody can repeat their achievements. The researches say that the time of economic crisis is the best time to start a business. You may not believe, but the business opportunities in Nigeria are basically endless. And you will not always need a huge capital for starting your own profitable business in Nigeria.
Many of them are possible to start with a small capital. If you are witty, smart and a good leader, you will make money from your business in no time. You will only have to develop some business ideas in Nigeria and decide which one is suitable for you.
Most importantly, you will not only need to create a successful business venture but put your whole heart and soul into it. This way, you will love what you do, and it will simultaneously earn you money. Besides, this is the era of technological progress, so it has become easier to make a profit not only by performing regular job duties but also by doing something outstanding on the Internet. Keep in mind, though, that every business requires a lot of dedication, and you will not become rich overnight. Without further delay, we will have a look at some of the most profitable business opportunities in Nigeria that you can start without having a huge capital.

 1. Uber driver

Seeing how many people, especially in big cities, use the Uber service, you can definitely say that the Uber drivers earn good money. If you are a good driver and know your city very well, you should not pass up this opportunity. Uber driving is one of the most profitable Nigerian business ideas right now, and the best thing about it is that you may work whenever you want, without any obligations. Some drivers choose to work full-time, while for some it is a part-time job to earn extra money that they do on weekend or after their main job.

2. Social media marketing specialist

 It is impossible to live without social media nowadays – so many people use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, and the other popular platforms. Of course, they are also good sources for making money – you only need to share the content that interests people and gain yourself a trustworthy follower base. This can be one of the business ideas that you can turn your attention to if you are good with social media and have enough creative content to post. When you become a popular social media personality or influencer, you can be contacted by major companies who would want you to post their advertisements on your page. Depending on how many followers you have, you can charge money for their ads. This business idea requires time and patience because you will not be able to create a popular account in one day, but over the time you will understand that it is so worth it.

 3. Web designer/developer

Are you good at internet designs? Then you should totally try out such opportunity as web design or development. Even if you feel like your skills are not so professional, you can easily attend related courses or webinars to improve your abilities and get new knowledge. In a short period, you will be able to create your own websites. This is a freelance job, which means that you can build your schedule yourself.

 4. Graphic designer

 If you have always been good with Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator or other similar programs, and possess the artistic skills, then you are recommended to try out the graphic designer freelance job. There are a lot of graphic designers nowadays, and many of them are appreciated by big companies. But it also means that the competition is extremely high, and to stand out, you need to be really creative and original. You can start with posting your art on social media and taking commissions – this will get you into the swing of things. You will have to invest in graphics tablet – most digital designers nowadays use it for convenience.

5. Content writer

 Are you good with words? If you consider yourself a talented writer, then you might try a freelance job connected with writing articles, posts, or advertisements. Lots of websites nowadays are in need of a creative writer. Some of them also need the administrator to post it on their website, which you will receive the additional pay for. You cannot only write content for them but create your own blog and post your thoughts there. The best thing is that this job is not full-time – you can do your work whenever you want, not depending on the time of the day.

 6. Blogging or vlogging

This is one of the most popular and profitable sources of income these days. Thousands of bloggers create their own content, covering various topics from fashion and lifestyle to celebrity gossips and film reviews. All of your favorite YouTubers started small too, and eventually, they became rich and successful, with thousands of subscribers, likes, and comments. You can try starting a blog by finding the particular niche that focuses on something that would be appealing to the public. If you are a gifted writer and have some understanding of marketing, this would be a huge bonus.

7. Bakery

 Perhaps your friends acknowledge you as a great cook, but you never thought of taking this skill higher? There is no need to worry! Nowadays, people earn a lot of money from the bakery business. All you need to do is create a social media account where you will post your bakery and contact details, use the appropriate hashtags to advertise your work, gain the interested audience, and take requests from different people who need cakes or cupcakes for their birthdays, weddings and anniversaries. Your business can begin by baking right at home – in this case, you will only have to invest in the ingredients. It would also be quite effective to send the examples of your work to any parties that would be interested, in hopes that they will approach you with the business offer.

 8. Small chops food making

 This business is currently in big demand, because so many people have celebrations with friends and family, and they need a good amount of small chops food for it. Lately, the desire of Nigerian people for light meals has gone up. They prefer the light food at the different events, so they hire a good cook to prepare it for them. If you are skilled at cooking small chops, you should not hesitate to start your business connected with it. Even though there are lots of cooks that offer the same services, your business will never be left aside, if executed professionally and creatively enough.

9. Digital marketing agent

 There is a big difference between the digital marketing agency and a traditional one. The key point is that the digital marketing specialists, obviously are mostly concentrated on the marketing in the digital world as opposed to the real world. Starting your own agency does not require a lot of money, all you need is some skills in the digital sphere and experience in marketing.

 10. Drop shipping

 This is another type of business that can potentially bring you money, and you will not even need a huge capital. The only things that you need to possess is a smartphone or laptop, internet connection, and social media accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, etc. They will serve as your internet promotion. So many people have already made millions of Naira by doing this job. What is the secret to success in this business? It is the identification and knowledge of people’s primary needs at the moment, and being aware of how to search for these items. You can start this business on AliExpress or another platform. click here : to know more about dropshipping

11. Clothing designing

Of course, if you aspire to become a designer of clothes, you have to possess some work experience, talent, and creativity. However, you can always get these skills from attending courses and being interested in the subject. Once you learn what it takes in this industry, you will be able to create your own fashionable clothing. This business is very well-paid, and you have a chance to become a professional designer one day because the designers that are popular nowadays also started on a small scale.

 12. Fast food business

 So many people go somewhere out to eat, so this is, without any doubt, a profitable business that can make you rich. This business can takeoff with even a minimal capital, depending on the size of the business and the categories of customers. In case you would like to serve the customers with low income, then you will not need a whole lot of money to start. The eateries are very popular in the big cities, where there are thousands of them.

 13. Importation business

 These days, people import various products and make money on it, so this business should not be crossed off your list either. Usually, you can start with importing products low-scale (mini-importation), and then become a large production importer eventually. You should keep in mind that this job directly depends on the exchange rate.

14. Affiliate marketing

 Everyone has considered this way of making money at least once because the big market networks offer huge opportunities for those who want to make money easily and quickly. For signing up to become the affiliate of one of the huge programs, for example, the Jumia or Konga ones, you should go on their website and register there, along with reading and understanding of the main rules of how the affiliate marketing works. Basically, this is advertising the big internet store’s goods on your own blog. To make it work, your blog has to be quite popular among the audience.

 15. Office supply

 This job does not need a huge brain work. If you are the organized person who knows where to buy most things, then you should offer your services to some offices. Most of the office workers are so busy with their workload that they can barely get up from their places, and they need someone to bring them food and other supplies. If you want to take this responsibility, you will need to call different offices and ask them if they are in search of the office supply person.
There are many lucrative agricultural businesses in Nigeria that you can take up if you love agriculture. For instance, you can try these:
  • Poultry business
  •  Fishing business
  • Snail rearing business
  •  Pig business
  • Dog breeding business
  •  Floral business
  •  Maize business
  • Rice business
  •  Palm oil business
  •  Cassava business
 Also, if you want to do something connected with education and share your knowledge with people or caring for them, you can try the following businesses:
  •  Home tutoring business
  • Catering business
  • Nanny service
  • Baby care centre
  •  Self-empowerment centre
  •  Running the educational internet course
 In case you are keen on computers, you can attempt to get involved into these:
  • Computer repair service
  •  Mobile phone repair service
  •  Mobile phone app development
  • Gaming development
  • Mobile money agent business
Finally, if you want to thrive in the beauty business, you should definitely try: Makeup business Nail business Soap-making business Perfume production Of course, all of these require skills and knowledge. But over the time, you will find out that all the effort you put into learning paid off. Apart from it, your dedication and passion can truly do wonders. Now, when you know which businesses are the most profitable, you can definitely attempt to grab your spot under the sun in one of them. Good luck to you, future entrepreneur!
Profitable business in Nigeria with little capital Profitable business in Nigeria with little capital Reviewed by DailyGgist_Official on May 10, 2019 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Very informative article, Which you have shared here about the Business ideas in Nigeria with low capital. After reading your article I got very much information about the profitable businesses in Nigeria and It is very useful for us. Thanks for sharing this article here.


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