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Poultry farming in Nigeria practical approach

 DAY 1

Poultry business plan for Broilers and Layers

Pen construction and situation/orientation

List Of Equipment and Appliances for your poultry farm (Know the right equipment)

[10:09 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: This right here is for members in this group who are new to the business and they wish to learn the basis

[10:09 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: We can all learn from it too. So let’s get started

[10:09 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: If you're planning to start your own poultry farm, it is advisable that you enter the business well prepared by considering all of its aspects.

[10:09 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: From setting up some basic equipment to raising the birds and marketing your business, you have to take every step wisely, because if you conduct your business carefully it will grow fast

[10:09 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: There are five things you should know before starting a poultry

[10:13 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: First and foremost

The business plan

[10:13 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: A business plan is a formal statement of business goals (which must be documented), reasons they are attainable, and plans for reaching them. Your business plan should cover both the expected and the unexpected, which includes a miscellaneous budget to the actual budget in the plan.

The type of birds you intend rearing and where to get them and their feeds should be included here as well.

[10:13 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Note::::>>>

 you should map out every strategic move that concerns the business from start to finish in the business plan.

[10:15 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Secondly

Choose an area of interest

You should bear in mind that it is not possible for you to be in all aspect of poultry farming even if you think you can.

[10:15 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: What is expected of you as a starter is to choose an area of interest and channel your energy towards the successfulness of the concluded area.

[10:15 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: However, it is not as if it is impossible to do two at a particular time, but as a starter, it is advisable to focus on one. 

Start from the basis

[10:15 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Here are some niches you can specialise in or base on

[10:15 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: BROILERS PRODUCTION :- raise purposely for meat, rapid growth within 8 weeks at minimum

Cockerels are also raise for meat production but does not have a rapid growth unlike broilers. Reach market size between 9 - 10 months when properly fed

Layers breeding- which is egg production by Layers

Hatchery- which has to do with breeding chicken for the purpose of Hatching new chicks

Poultry feed- which is producing feeds for other poultry farmers

[10:15 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: THIRDLY


[10:15 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Unlike most businesses where the location of business plays a very vital role with regards to easy accessibility, it is not the case with poultry business. You can have your poultry located in a rural environment if you want, or a location far away from town as it will cost you less.

[10:15 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: NOTE :-Do not forget that the location you decide to work with should be in a secure environment to avoid theft and unwanted encroachment. Conducive for birds and a fenced compound with a gate is usually preferable (against animal and human attack)

[10:21 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Fourth


[10:21 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: After securing the location, your poultry pen structure should come next. It is okay to consider a low cost  poultry house since it’s a small scale poultry business we’re talking about.

[10:21 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: As a starter

Although it is not a must for you to follow any particular standard, it is however, important to note that poultry housing is classified according to the scale and the management system.

[10:21 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Make your birds free to have enough space,run,play,fly etc

And the most common types of poultry housing used for poultry farming in Nigeria are:


Battery etc......

[10:21 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: NOTE:- Importance of water supply cannot be overemphasized when building your poultry house.

[10:21 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: LASTLY


[10:23 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Lastly

On feeding

When it comes to poultry business, feeding of the birds is as important as the most important thing in any business.

[10:23 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Always ensure your birds are well fed, because their growth, productivity (egg production), as well as their health greatly depends on how well you feed them.

[10:23 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Your customer will tell if they are well nurtured or not 😊

We all know how our buyer tends to lift birds,weigh and do all kinds to know if they are well fed or not😂

[10:35 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: That's that on poultry business plan*

Let me Highlight the five things we noted

1. Business plan

2.Choose an area of interest


4.Build your poultry pen structure


[10:35 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: List of equipments and Appliances for your poultry farm*

I'm sure we are quite familiar with some poultry equipments and appliances if not all

I start with 





Farm coat

Farm boot

Heat lamp


Washing hand basin


[10:36 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Another topic we would discuss now 

We shall be considering how to construct your poultry pen

Poultry housing is not built with the same orientation as the one we human

 live. It is not what one wakeup one morning to build.

[10:36 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Poultry housing should have proper accessibility, safety, well ventilated and conducive, and appropriateness of design.

[10:37 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Some things must be put into consideration


📍° Site consideration

📍° weather consideration

📍° well ventilated

📍° Housing design

📍° Feeding requirements space

📍° Watering requirements

📍° Layering nest requirements ( for layers)

📍° Space measurements per bird

[10:37 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: I advice everyone to go through everything being taught here as it’s very important. The basis of this business

[10:42 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: You must consider the area if it will be conducive to raise your birds and safe 

security must be well guarantee against all forms of attack either animal or theft

[10:42 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: A building with open sides is ideal, otherwise cross-ventilation at bird-level should be allowed for in the form of floor level inlets, open in a direction to allow the prevailing wind to blow across the width of the building. An air mass between the side walls of a poultry house resists being moved, even across an open-sided building. The wider the building, the more the resistant it is to air movement. Buildings over 8 m (26 ft) wide have a significantly greater problem because of this inherent property of air to resist movement. It is recommended that buildings relying on natural airflow for ventilation should not exceed 8 m in width.

[10:43 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Heat stress is a significant constraint to successful production and can lead to death. Although birds can withstand several degrees below freezing, they do not tolerate temperatures over 40 °C. This depends on the relative humidity prevailing at the time. Poultry do not possess sweat glands and must cool themselves by panting out water in their breath, which is evaporative cooling. When the humidity is too high, this cooling mechanism does not work very well. Lethal temperatures for most chickens are 46 °C upwards, and severe stress sets in above 40 °C. In temperate regions, the chicken house may be constructed to face the rising morning sun to gain heat.

[10:43 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: An ideal floor for a deep litter house is well drained and made of concrete, with a layer of heavy gravel or wire mesh embedded in it to keep out rats. This type of floor is usually costly. Wood, bamboo, bricks or large flat stones (according to what is locally available) can be used, but are harder to clean. Clay floors are cheaper, but require the application of a fresh layer of clay either between flock batches or at least annually.

[10:43 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Higher floors may result in an unstable building. They are supported by pillars, which are either rot-resistant or have stone or concrete footings, and which are made of such materials as wood, bamboo, oil drums and concrete blocks. Houses with raised floors on posts can be protected against rats with baffles.

[10:43 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: In areas where construction materials are cheaper than deep litter, and particularly in humid regions where litter material is not available, raised floors are sometimes used. These are made of wire mesh, expanded metal, wooden slats or split bamboo, to allow the droppings to collect under the house, and should be about one metre above the ground to allow for cleaning and ventilation.

[10:44 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: The roof and walls of the house can be made of any inexpensive local material, including bamboo slats, sorghum stalks, mud, wooden slats and palm fronds, as long as the structure is made relatively rat-proof

The baffles can be made of a metal collar, a tin can turned upside-down or a metal band wound around the post, but must fit tightly to deter even the smallest rodent.

Interior length-ways building partitions are not advisable, as they reduce cross-flow ventilation.

[10:44 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: In colder regions, the walls should be thicker or insulated, but in warmer climates thatch can be used, although it should be replaced frequently to minimize parasite and disease problems. The inside of the walls should be as smooth as possible, to prevent tick and mite infestation and to make cleaning easier.

Thatch is usually the cheapest option and provides good insulation. It will probably have to be replaced every three years, or immediately if ticks get into it. It should be interlaced with bamboo or wooden slats to keep predators out. Sheet metal is usually too expensive, and in hot climates must be painted with white or aluminium to reflect sun heat.

[10:45 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: I’ll show you pictures of well designed poultry houses

[10:45 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: The roof should be watertight, and should overhang the walls by one metre if the windows have no shutters. The roof can be made of thatch, sheet metal or tiles.

[10:46 PM, 6/13/2020] +234 812 708 7316: However, it is easily cleaned which is an important advantage where ticks are a problem. A layer of plastic sheeting sandwiched between bamboo slats is a good seal against rain and vermin.

However, the thicker the material, the more ventilation will be reduced. Doors should be made of metal, wood or bamboo. The top half of the door could be wire mesh. Doors should be sufficiently strong to withstand being opened and closed many times a year.

Window design depends on the local climate. Chickens need more ventilation than humans, but should be sheltered from wind, dust and rain. During storms, wood or bamboo hinged shutters or curtains made from feed sacks can cover window openings on the windward side of the house.

In humid climates, window design should take as much advantage of the wind direction as possible to reduce the amount of moisture in the house. Window areas are best covered by wire mesh or expanded metal. Wooden slats or bamboo can be used, depending on available funds and materials.

In both intensive and semi-intensive systems, laying hens need constant access to food and water, and feeders should be distributed evenly throughout the chicken house. In the semi-intensive system, birds scavenge during the day, mostly for protein (from such sources as insects, worms and larva), minerals (from stones, grits and shells), and vitamins (from leafy greens, oil palm and nuts), but energy supplements such as maize, sorghum and millet are important for higher productivity and should be given.

With all these being mentioned, this marks the end of day 1 or our class

Read and Digest

Then ask questions........

Have a lovely evening......

[10:02 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: First topic to be treated today


you should make sure you have everything you need and that it works well in advance of the arrival of your chicks.


Your brooder can be as simple as a cardboard box however, it needs to be in a secure,safe place.

Another thing that needs to be put in place before chicks arrival is the


It also needs to be draft proof. Fresh air can flow over the top of the brooder, but the air contained within in it needs to be at a constant temperature.

The best material to use for chicks bedding is the WOOD SHAVING

If you are using a container with a slippery base, such as a tote box, you might want to put down some paper towels underneath the shavings. This will help…

[10:02 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Pneumonia is chronic inflammation of the lungs caused by viruses, bacteria or other microorganisms, or sometimes by physical or chemical irritants.

Another thing that can not be overemphasize is

 Feeders and Waterers

Choose your feeders and waterers based on the number of chicks you are getting. If you are only getting a few, a round plastic or metal feeder will work fine, but for more chicks you might want to have a trough type feeder.


They require high protein feed for rapid growth

Chick starter feed is very fine crumbles so they can eat it without a struggle. You can feed it dry out of the bag, or make it into a wet mash for them  if making a wet mash it needs to be the consistency of smooth oatmeal.

With the feed you can simply scratch at i…

[10:02 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: As you take them out of their travel box, make sure you dip the beak of each chick in the water. This teaches them how and where to drink.

[10:02 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: LIGHTENING OR HEAT LAMP

Baby chicks are unable to maintain body temperature for the first critical days, and you will notice they will all huddle together for warmth.

On the day your chicks are due to arrive, turn on the heat lamp a few hours before they arrive. Check the temperature on the floor and try to maintain it at 95F. They will learn where the warmth is and explore from there.

During these first few days you are going to have to supply the warmth they need. The temperature needs to be around 95F or 35°C for the first week.

After that, you should drop the temperature by 5 degrees/week.

At week 9 you should be around 65F minimum. Once the chicks have done their second molt (molten is normally done around 7-12 weeks) and have their normal feathers…

[10:02 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Heat lamps are fabulous at keeping the chicks nice and warm. You can even use an infra red bulb to prevent chicks from ‘picking’ at each other from day one.

After their journey, they will likely eat, drink and sleep.

Observe over a period of a few hours and check if the heat is okay for them. If they are scattered to the edges of the box- it’s too hot. And if they are clustered together under the light they are too cold. They should be scattered all over the place when the temperature is just right.

[10:02 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Molten is loosen old feathers, worn out feathers for new covering/ plumage on regular basis and the first molten occur within 5 - 7 weeks 

Remember that they don't grow feathers at the same rate


Good marketing strategies that influences the profit from your business

Different lightning programmes for layers from DOC to POL to avoid early maturity and eventual decline/loss in production

How to prepare account,inventory and production records to track your investment

Let's talk on a good marketing strategies that will influence profit from our poultry business

As a poultry farmer, you should not be too caught up with the operational aspects of your business so much that you now neglect the sales aspect. If you ask me, I would say that the sales and marketing aspect is even more important after all,Kipp you are not rearing chickens for family use. If you are into poultry farming to earn profits, then you must pay attention to the marketing aspects of this business.

I want to discuss some of the methods that you can use as a poultry farmer to increase sales and expand your income from your poultry business

Let's focus on 10 things in tonight in other to have more customers and sales in our poultry business

[10:02 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Take your business online 🤔🤔  -: Everybody hangs around the internet these days. A large percentage of people make use of the internet around the world daily and if you want your business to thrive, you cannot close your eyes to the internet. Your social media account is a very good place to promote your business and increase awareness for your products.

Create pages on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram  and other social media. Make use of them to advertise your products, find a good camera, take a nice shot of your birds to upload for sales

We can see scam all over the internet now and people don't want to trust farmers because of the way some people are abusing the use of online business

Always watch out for faithful and sincere customers who are willing and ready to patronise your business.

[10:13 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Also have a good communication skills and know how to convince customer to go for your products ( poultry birds and eggs)

[10:13 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Good communication skills is required and always be friendly with customers, for a start and remember you want to snatch them from someone else ,you can tell them there will be discount probably 10-15% discount on birds or  place of dashing out one ( not easy though) but find every possible means to convince them and make them yours

[10:13 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Bypassing the middlemen -: Most poultry farmers rely on middlemen to help sell their products. They sell in bulk to other people who in turn sell to the consumers. If you want to sell faster, then you should sell both in wholesale quantities and resale quantities.

You can sell in retail quantities if you have your own sales outlet. Look for a good location to rent a store and then use it to stock products from your farm so that in addition to selling to wholesalers, you can also sell to retailers.

[10:13 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Become a supplier -: Write a brilliant proposal with clearly thought out incentives that you can offer and send it to managers of hotels and restaurants even Indomie sellers all over the street at nights. Offer to be their major supplier of poultry meat and eggs.

[10:13 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Note:- A lot of hotels and restaurants already have people supplying them, so you should think of how to outsmart these people by offering mouth watering incentives.

[10:13 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Hotels and restaurants always have foods with poultry meat or foods made with eggs on their menu and they have to get their eggs from somewhere.

You can help them to have access to a regular supply of fresh eggs without stress.

[10:13 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Employ Marketers -: 😄😄 Marketers? For a poultry farm🤣🤣 ? That's funny aiit,Yes, marketers for your poultry farm can increase your sales by more than 30%. Just employ some commission based marketers who would earn a certain percentage from the sales they make.

[10:13 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Have your own Abattoir :- Don’t just stop at selling to other companies to package; nothing stops you from having your own abattoir too where you can package and brand your own products for sales and supply.

[10:13 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Carry out marketing research :-Another way by which you can increase sales of your poultry products is by carrying out marketing research regularly. When you do so, you would be able to have a clear idea of what your customer’s want, areas where there is insufficient supply of products and things you can do to improve the quality of products you offer your customers.

[10:13 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Feed your Birds well -:  When you feed your birds well, they produce big and good quality eggs which are what the consumers want. If you want your products to be top choice for consumers, then you have to pay attention to the quality of products you generate and in poultry farming; that means paying attention to the type of foods you feed your birds with because good food equals good eggs and quality meat.

[10:23 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Advertise your products:- You should also engage in advertising and promotions. You don’t buy what you don’t know. Do you ? People mostly buy products they know or have heard about and when you advertise your products, it helps to increase awareness and subsequently, demand for your products.

[10:23 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Try home delivery services -: Home delivery services work too. This is because a lot of people are often too busy to make trips to the  store and then a lot of people love their eggs fresh.

[10:23 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: You can take advantage of this to offer home delivery services to people who prefer to buy fresh eggs or people who find it easier to order for stuffs from the comfort of their home. You can also serve people that can not walk or sick at home.

[10:23 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Be creative,package yourself well and set a standard.........

[10:23 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: And lastly...

 Record keeping is extremely important to successful poultry production.

[10:23 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Breed raised 

Certain breeds are raised for a specific purpose (laying, broilers, breeding), and therefore need different records.

[10:23 PM, 6/14/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Species raised

The records kept for different species of poultry are going to differ because of the different uses. For example chicken records are going to be different from turkey records.

Feeding decisions

records are useful in deciding what types of feed rations, the quantity of feed rations, and the effectiveness of a specific feed ration.

Breeding decisions

when deciding which birds to mate, past breeding records can be put to use.

Productivity of birds

records should be kept on the productivity of birds (eggs, pounds of meat, etc.) to be used when the flock must be culled.

when deciding which birds to mate, past breeding records can be put to use.

There are different types of records to keep in poultry production.

Type of bird

The type of bird raised is going to determine the record keeping system. Some chickens are raised for egg production (for consumption), egg production (for repopulating), meat production, etc.

Pullets– pullets are birds growing to become layers. Certain records to be kept for these birds include feed consumption, water consumption, and light dark hours.

Layers – layers are female birds that are in the stage of laying eggs. Records needed include feed consumption, water consumption, and egg production.

Broilers – broilers are raised to be harvested for chicken meat to consume. Specific records may include feed consumption, water consumption, weight, average daily gain, days on feed, and processing date.

Chicks– chicks are young birds before the growth process has started. The records for chicks may include date hatched, date moved to pullet/broiler house, feed consumption, and water consumption

Financial decisions-before creating a budget or making important and costly financial decisions, records need to be analyzed


1. Production of balance sheet

2. Compare performance of batches

3. Compare breed performance for selection

4. Reference to previous Successes

5. Avoid previous mistakes

6. Copy standard procedures

7. Reference for visitors, auditors, bankers etc

8. Reference to drug efficacy to certain disease out breaks

9. Compare feed efficiency

10. Profitability calculation

11. Shows number of birds present

12. Show age of birds

13. Show number of Eggs produced

14. Mortality pattern for certain encountered outbreaks recorded for future reference

15. Drug type and administration schedule as a reference to follow for handling similar outbreaks

Like I said if you are new to the business or looking to start your own poultry farming,

You need to go through all these things above

Read and prepare for them

With all these being mentioned, this marks the end of day 2 of our class

Read and Digest

Then ask questions........

Have a lovely evening......

Good day great farmers

Today is day 3 of our class

Lets begin

Organic Herbal Concoction Dosage/measurement

½ tsp=2.5ml



½ tbs=7.5ml




⅔ cup=227g

½ cup=120ml


¼ cup=85g





Preparation of organic multivitamins, Organic Booster and Molasses.

Molasses simply put is refined sugarcane juice.

It is thick brownish-black in colour.

Molasses basically serves three purposes,as a sweetener, preservative and

as a tonic. It can completely replace honey

Preparation of molasses

Materials needed:-


°Mortar & Pestle



°Cheese cloth


Get as much quantity of sugarcane,crush them in a mill or using

mortar and pestle to extract the juice.

Strain the juice into a bowl using cheesecloth so that the tiny particles are removed .

Pour the juice into a large drum or pot depending the quantity you want to produce.

Apply heat or boil for 6 hours Keep stirring a sit boils so that it does not stuck to the bottom of the pot or drum.

The boiling of the juice will produce a crystallization of the sugar allowing it

to form the bases  stage of the Molasses.

Once the colour turns to blackish - brown and it is quite thick,bring it down

and allow it to cool

Store in bottles.

Your molasses is ready.

[10:09 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: how to prepare organic multivitamins

Items/Fruits needed:-


Garden eggs


Ripe Pawpaw

Water melon




Get as much quantity of the above items as you can and in equal proportions.

Peel the back of oranges and watermelon,Cut all the fruits into pieces and blend adding a little water.

Store in a cool room for 72 hours,(4days)

On the fourth day strain contents in a large bowl

Add Molasses in a ratio of 3:1and store in bottle.


[10:09 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Organic Growth Booster Preparation using Banana and Brown Sugar

Materials needed:

Ripe banana

Cheese cloth

Brown Sugar


Get a ripe banana,preferably fresh from the tree.

Do not wash the banana nor peel it.

Cut your banana into pieces and weigh it.

Add equal amount of brown sugar and mash them together thoroughly

You will discover a lot of moisture,add a little more sugar to concentrate

the mixed recipe.

Leave to ferment for about 5 days under cool room temperature.

Remember you are covering with cheese cloth tied with rubber band.

After 5 days,extract the liquid into another jar.

[10:09 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Administration:1ml in 1litre of drinking water is ideal however,you may

use 1ml in half a litre in stressed conditions.

[10:09 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Another Topic for tonight

Managerial skills and competencies

Strict Bio-security measures and its principles

tips to make your poultry business more profitable

[10:09 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Keeping your investment healthy is a keystone to profitable farmers. Healthy birds grow better and reproduce more efficiently than unhealthy ones. The produce more economically valuable products than unhealthy ones.

A strong biosecurity program is critical to maintain and secure your investment's health

Therefore biosecurity can be said to strict measures in the farm to prevent outbreak of diseases.

[10:09 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Biosecurity will prevent flock exposure to disease causing organisms

[10:09 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: On the contrary, unhealthy stock causes more expenses ( on health inputs and veterinary bills) and consumes much time on managerial contribution.

Unhealthy animals consume more managerial time and produce less quantity products as well as low quality products resulting in great economic loss.

More economic losses may be incurred from waste of fund earmarked for treatment of farm workers along with the animal.

[10:15 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: WHY U MUST PREVENT PEST AND DISEASES IN YOUR PEN

They are deleterious to the objective of the farm

They interfere with animal and personal welfare

They impact negatively on the quality of products from the farm.

They Are Disease Causing Organism 

And Finally Bring Loss to the Farmers

[10:15 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: COMMON BIOSECURITY MEASURES

Perimeter fencing: this restricts the movement of humans, animals, visitors and other elements in the farm

Wire Nets: Prevents rodents, snakes, wild birds, reptiles, lizards from entry

Foot dips: For pen attendants and uninvited visitors 

Body spray/shower

Use of designated cover clothes, slippers, disposable gloves and boots for a particular pen

Proper disposal of dead animals (burning in incinerators, burying)

Proper disposal of needles and syringes 

Proper disposal of vaccine vials, sachets, drop bottles (take this seriously, this can wipe out your stock)

 especially when you have vaccine failure

Avoid stocking animals of different ages in the farm

[10:15 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Routes of disease entry

Water borne 

"Feet borne"

"Soil borne"

"Human borne"

Vector borne

Failed quarantine 

From farm Equipment 

Wrong prescription 

Vaccine failure 

Vehicles bringing goods into the farm

[10:15 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Control rats and mosquitoes as mosquitoes could cause fowl pox

Ensure that no people from outside your farm visit the chicken house

Have bird-proof houses to keep out wild birds that eat the food and bring diseases to your 


Ensure that the building or house you are going to use is large enough for the chickens

Fix leaky drinkers to avoid buildup of mould

Feed and water bowls should be cleaned daily and fresh food and water should be supplied

[10:15 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Lizard  Also transmits coccidiosis (healthy carrier), if u see it anywhere around ur pen pls kill it

Ensure your layer and broiler pen are not in close proximity

If you have more than one pen, ensure you have specific wear and slippers for each pen

Do not touch a sick bird and use the same hands unwashed to feed other birds (Always use disinfectant)

 Avoid every form of dust, smoke from generator coming closer to your investment as this may cause serious CRD

: The next thing we have 

Managerial skills and competencies

 I have seen most poultry business start today and in the next 3 months, they got extinguished like candle, its simply because of Lack of Knowledge

Did I hear you say poultry farming is a risky business? There's no known business withou…


Apply correct methods for raising young chicks (do not try to cut corners)

Disinfect and clean the housing of the different groups of chicks

Use bedding/litter material that is not dusty

Prevent the buildup of gases like ammonia by cleaning and proper ventilation

[10:15 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: A good bio security is good as it prevents diseases outbreak

[10:22 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Precautionary measures to be taken in entering the pens

 (visit younger birds first then to older ones, and visit healthy birds first before sick ones)

Strict compliance to vaccination schedule and medications to break live cycle of vectors

In case you are a fan of synthetic drugs, ensure you don't use one particular drug in pen to avoid the birds building resistance to that particular drug

Good ratio of feeders and drinkers as inadequate feeders and drinkers is an easy mode of disease spread, contagious diseases, stampeding, pecking and inadequate digestion.

Always feed balanced ration as nutritional imbalance can lead to cannibalism and secondary infections

[10:22 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: DAILY FARM ROUTINE

 Daily farm sanitation practices 

Timely disposal of waste materials

Proper use of disinfectants in the farm

Effective washing of implements and machines

Please do not wash drinkers and feeders in use with detergent, if necessary wash with antibiotics.

Periodic clearing of bushes around the surrounding(do not give rodents and reptiles a habitat in your farm)

Adequate storage and utilization of Animal drug

[10:22 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Please everything being said here is important, so I advice you to take note of it

[10:22 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Tips of making your Poultry business more profitable

[10:22 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Start small

Remember in our previous class,I told you to start small. Yes thats true 

Don’t start large scale poultry farming if you are inexperienced in the business. I have seen a lot of people make this mistake and it is wrong. They read about how people are making 

millions from poultry farming and then they go ahead to invest their live savings into the �business. Some even go and obtain loans to start a business that they are inexperienced at.

For a business like poultry farming, you have to start small and then expand gradually as 

your business grows and demands for your products increase. You should also do a proper

feasibility study before you go into the business.

[10:22 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Handle birds gently

Hens should be protected against sudden changes. Excitement due to rough handling and fear from any cause are detrimental to egg production.

Often the entrance of foreign objects, animals or visitors in the pens will cause disturbance, so these should be kept out as much as possible.

[10:22 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Have your own sales outlet

Another way to expand your poultry business is to have your own sales outlet and not rely only on supplying to retailers. You don’t have to have too many sales outlets; you can start with just one. You can sell your own branded and fresh eggs to consumers.

[10:22 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Offer Mobile Sales and Delivery Services

24 hours in a day is just not enough for most of us because of the kind of busy lives we lead. Now, imagine having to cook, shop, attend to the kids and do all sort of other house chores and still maintain a 9-5 job. It’s really not easy for a lot of working parents and this is why mobile sales and delivery services always works. A lot of people see such services as a live saving one; a service that brings you necessitiesi

[10:22 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Improve Laying Ability

Hens should be brought into laying as early as possible. Pullets that delay in coming to 

lay are naturally poor layers and soon burn out. Such fowls should not be used for breeding and 

the sooner they are taken out of the flock the better. In the long run such control helps in 

improving the flock and it is better to have some system of selection than to have none at all. Put everything in readiness for egg production.

[10:22 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: With all these being mentioned, this marks the end of day 3 of our class

Read and Digest

Then ask questions........

Have a lovely evening......

+234 812 708 7316 changed this group's settings to allow all participants to send messages to this group.

[10:23 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 803 501 6171: Good presentation 👍

[10:24 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Thank you

[10:25 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 803 501 6171: I'm looking at the administration of the organic growth booster. The 1ml to 1lit of water seem insignificant to me.

[10:27 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 803 501 6171: Half tsp=2.5ml even this will be of no effect whatsoever in 1lit of water

[10:30 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 803 501 6171: According to one of the book you sent JC&C the author said there's no standard measure for organic concoction for now. He further said one can adopt a different measurement and watch how his birds react to it.

What's your take on that?

[10:30 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: I was actually waiting for these questions

[10:30 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: It shows you have gone through the ebooks

[10:31 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 803 501 6171: You didn't mention ginger garlic and tumeric solutions.

[10:31 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: In all the questions you asked, they all have only one answer and you have answered that yourself

There is nothing like excess or limit on organic dosage of drugs.

That's what is amazing about organic poultry

[10:32 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: I get 

Today is not the day for that

We shall discuss on them tomorrow

[10:32 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: 👍👍👍

[10:33 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 803 501 6171: Can we use brown sugar as a replacement for molasses?

[10:33 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Sure

Brown sugar is also molasses

[10:34 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 803 501 6171: Okay, thank you

[10:34 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: you are welcome🙏

[10:36 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 803 501 6171: Looking forward to tomorrow's class

[10:37 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Good👍

[11:20 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 701 866 4619: how could brown sugar be used as molasses? Does it go through any process like sugar cane?

[11:22 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 814 381 3034: Pls answer d question ok

[11:59 PM, 6/15/2020] +234 812 708 7316: No long process 

All you need to do is just add the brown sugar to your drugs

[12:00 AM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: One important thing to note is that molasses serves as preservatives.

It's not a must you use molasses.

You can preserve your concoctions by refrigerating it

[7:56 AM, 6/16/2020] ~Official Toshmoney💯: Sorry, pls elucidate to this.

What you mean by ratio  3:1

[9:56 AM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: The multivitamins comes first, then molasses

Meaning multivitamins is 3

While molasses is 1

[9:56 AM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: So 3:1

[9:57 AM, 6/16/2020] +234 806 733 7337: Pls my noilers prepared wetted feed then dry one should I continue giving them the wetted own?

[10:29 AM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Explain more

[10:36 AM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: I've done justice to this in your dm✅✅✅✅✅

[10:40 AM, 6/16/2020] +234 806 733 7337: Tnks

[10:44 AM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: You are welcome

[12:30 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 806 068 3778: Sorry missed the class. For me I intended hatching my eggs. What is the best or combined natural antibotic to use and at what age (days or weeks old)?

[12:30 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 806 068 3778: As stated in the ebook can these dried combination of turmeric and cayenne pepper added to their food or how best to apply it?

[12:58 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Aside from the Tagiri solution,every other concoctions can be given to layers

The reason why i said you cant give layers tagiri solution is because it cuts egg production

[12:58 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: All of our concoctions is not in form of solid.

It's in form of liquid which means we serve it to our birds through water

[1:48 PM, 6/16/2020] ~Official Toshmoney💯: 👍🏿

[1:49 PM, 6/16/2020] ~Official Toshmoney💯: But what is the work of Tagiri concoction

[1:54 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: It wards off viral diseases

[1:54 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: We will talk on Tagiri tonight

[1:55 PM, 6/16/2020] ~Official Toshmoney💯: Ok sir

[10:01 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 802 664 1623: 👏👏👏👊

+234 812 708 7316 changed this group's settings to allow only admins to send messages to this group.

[10:06 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Good day great farmers

[10:06 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Lectures will begin now

[10:13 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: First topic for today

Identification of common poultry diseases

[10:13 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Common Diseases in Poultry

A variety of diseases affect poultry of all kinds, ages and sexes. But certain ailments primarily strike laying hens. These diseases cause reproductive issues and can kill your bird. Practicing good preventive measures can reduce the chances of your hens becoming ill.

 These include quarantining new hens for at least three weeks before introducing them to your flock.

+234 812 708 7316 changed this group's settings to allow all participants to send messages to this group.

[10:22 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: How to know that your birds are sick

You will find them Dull

They will reduce feed intake

 You will see your birds have reduced water intake

The birds will have low egg production

 If they 're still young, the rate of growth will be reduced.

The feathers of the bird will be rough

[10:22 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: SPREAD OF DISEASE

A disease can spread rapidly among chickens because they are usually kept together in a cage or chicken house. They also share the same feeders and drinkers, which can spread disease and infections from sick to healthy chickens.

In an intensive system we place a great deal of pressure on the chickens to grow fast and to lay many eggs. This situation can cause disease to spread resulting in a lot of damage because of the stress the chickens experience.

[10:23 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO DISEASE

Factors that can contribute to disease include management, environment and the chickens themselves


Poor-quality food and water

 Poor hygiene and inadequate cleaning programme

 Leaking drinkers

 Rat and fly problems

 Overcrowding of chicks


You must act quickly at the first signs of disease. The chickens must be treated, and management that may have led to the problem must be corrected to prevent the disease from occurring again

Consult your animal health technician or ethno veterinarian to help you find a correct solution to your problem as soon as possible

Call your animal health technician or ethno veterinarian,they may slaughter some of the sick chickens and c…

[10:23 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: GENERAL TREATMENT

There are not many forms of treatment or in certain cases no treatment for some diseases, which is why prevention is so important

The treatment will depend on the cause of the disease

 If it is at all possible, try to isolate all sick chickens from the healthy ones daily. The sick chickens should be handled and treated last to prevent the spread of the disease

Correct management problems

[10:25 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: GENERAL PREVENTION

Diseases can be prevented through management, environmental and chicken factors


Apply correct methods for raising young chicks (temperature, food, water, bedding)

Disinfect and clean the housing of the different groups of chicks

Maintain the correct stocking density (avoid over-crowding)

Use the best-quality feed that is available and provide clean water daily

Use bedding that is not dusty

Prevent the buildup of gases by cleaning and ventilation

[10:25 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Control rats and flies

Ensure that no people from outside your farm visit the chicken house

Have bird-proof houses to keep out wild birds that eat the feed and bring diseases to your chickens


Ensure that the building or house you are going to use is large enough for your chickens

Fix leaky water troughs

Feed and drinkers should be cleaned daily and fresh food and water should be supplied

Dust causes irritation of the respiratory tract and the environment must therefore not be dusty

Use cages for laying hens that do not have sharp edges that can injure the hens. Make sure that there is sufficient space per hen

[10:27 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Chickens

Get only first-grade chicks from a good, reliable supplier

Vaccinate chicks against important diseases

Keep chickens of the same age together in one pen

There are four main types of disease affecting poultry: metabolic and nutritional diseases; infectious diseases; parasitic diseases; and behavioural diseases.

[10:27 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Metabolic and nutritional diseases

These are conditions caused by a disturbance of normal metabolic functions either through a genetic defect, inquate or inappropriate nutrition or impaired nutrient utilisation.

Infectious diseases

An infectious disease is any disease caused by invasion of a host by a pathogen which subsequently grows and multiplies in the body.


 Infectious diseases are often contagious, which means they can spread directly or indirectly from one living thing to another

[10:27 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Parasitic diseases

Parasitic diseases are infections or infestations with parasitic organisms. 

They are often contacted through contact with an intermediate vector, but may occur as the result of direct exposure. A parasite is an organism that lives in or on, and takes its nourishment from, another organism.

A parasite cannot live independently. 

These include 


Lice and Mites

Parasitic Worms (or Helminths).

Behavioural diseases

Abnormal behavioural patterns can lead to injury or ill health of the abnormally behaving bird and/or its companions.

These include Cannibalism (or aggressive pecking). 

List of some common poultry diseases Poultry can be affected by many types of disease, and a wide variety of pests (and behavioural problems) including those in the list below.

[10:27 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Diseases caused by Viruses

Egg drop syndrome (or EDS) 

Fowl Pox

Infectious Bronchitis

Infectious Bursal Disease (or Gumboro) 

Marek’s Disease Virus or MDV

Newcastle Disease

[10:27 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Diseases caused by Mycoplasmas

Mycoplasmosis – MG (Mycoplasma gallisepticum; 

MG infection; Chronic Respiratory


Diseases caused by Bacteria 

Infectious Coryza


Fowl typhoid


Diseases caused by Protozoa 


[10:27 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Diseases caused by Internal Parasites

Round worms 

Caecal worms 

Capillary worms Tape worms

Diseases caused by External Parasites 

Several types of lice

Stickfast flea

Fowl tick

Several types of mites

Diseases caused by environmental factors Cannibalism (or aggressive pecking)

Caged Layer Fatigue


Darkling Beetles

[10:27 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: HOW TO NOTICE SOME OF THESE DISEASES

Egg Drop Syndrome

The only signs of egg drop syndrome appear in the eggs. Laying hens who outwardly appear healthy will begin producing eggs that either lack shells or have too-thin ones. 

Some hens might experience diarrhea shortly before thin-shelled eggs start appearing.

Egg drop syndrome can pass from asymptomatic hens to their otherwise healthy chicks, the chicks spreading the virus in their stool.

While no treatment exists for egg drop syndrome, a hen will usually resume quality egg production after she has undergone moulting

[10:27 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Rickets

Your laying hens can be affected by rickets disease due to lack of vitamin D or proper ratio of calcium and phosphorus in their regular feed. 

Soft and bowed bones, thin shelled eggs, lameness, fractured limbs, low egg production etc. are all symptoms of this disease.

If you feed your flock commercially prepared layer feed, then chances of getting affected by rickets disease is less. 

Because most of these commercial layer feed contain proper ratio of all necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

When leg ain’t straight or they have soft bone, All you need to do when you see this in layers is give them source f calcium By feeding dry and grounded oyster shell

[10:27 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Fowl pox

Fowl pox is a relatively slow-spreading viral infection that affects most bird species, including all commercial forms of poultry. It occurs in both wet and dry form. The wet form is characterised by plaques in the mouth and upper respiratory tract. The dry form is characterised by wart-like skin lesions that progress to thick scabs.

The disease may occur in any age of bird, at any time. Mortality is usually not significant unless the respiratory involvement is severe. 

Fowl pox can cause depression, reduced appetite and poor growth or egg production. The course of the disease in the individual bird takes three to five weeks.

Infection occurs through skin abrasions or bites, through the respiratory route and possibly through ingestion of infecti…

[10:27 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Fatty Liver Syndrome

Fatty liver syndrome occurs through accumulating too much fat in the liver of a hen.

Hemorrhaging and death are the symptoms of this disease. Hens have pale combs which is affected by fatty liver syndrome. Feeds containing too much carbohydrates can result much fat in your laying hens. Decrease the amount of carbohydrates in their feed and slightly change their feeding habit.

The chickens that are raised in cage method system, are affected much by this disease. On the other hand, free range chickens suffers less by this disease.

[10:33 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: There is no treatment for Newcastle disease, although treatment with antibiotics to control secondary infections may assist.

 The virus can remain alive in manure for up to 2 months and in dead carcasses for up to 12 months, however it is easily killed by disinfectants, fumigants and direct sunlight.

Prevention relies on good quarantine and biosecurity procedures and vaccination.
[10:33 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Newcastle disease  Signs of  ND – conjunctivitis, depression and neurological signs Newcastle disease is a highly contagious viral infection that affects many species of  domestic and wild birds to varying degrees.   The disease can result in digestive, respiratory and/or nervous clinical signs, which range from a mild, almost inapparent respiratory disease to very severe depression, drop in egg production, increased respiration, profuse diarrhoea followed by collapse, or long-term nervous signs such as twisted necks if the birds survive.   Severe forms of the disease are highly fatal. Spread is usually by direct physical contact with infected or diseased birds. The virus is present in manure and is breathed out into the air.
[10:33 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Infectious bronchitis (IB)

 IB is an acute and highly contagious respiratory disease of chickens. The disease is caused by avian infectious bronchitis virus(IBV), and characterized by respiratory signs including gasping, coughing, sneezing, tracheal rales, and nasal discharge.

 In young chickens, severe respiratory distress may occur. In layers, respiratory distress, nephritis, drastic decrease in egg production, and loss of internal (watery egg white) and external (fragile, soft, irregular or rough shells, shell-less) egg quality will be seen.

[10:34 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Infectious coryza is a serious bacterial disease of chickens which affects respiratory system and it is manifested by inflammation of the area below the eye, nasal discharge and sneezing   The swelling can cause closure of one eye or both of them.   Economic loss is simply lower egg production in case of layers and stumping of birds
[10:36 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Lice and mites

Lice and mites are common external parasites of poultry
Lice are insects, while mites belong to the same family as spiders. There are a large number of lice and mite species that can infest poultry under the appropriate conditions.

 They are either blood-suckers or live on dry skin scales, feathers or scabs on the skin. 
Adults can survive for 4-5 days away from the host. Therefore, infestation can be spread by direct contact between birds but also through contact with infested litter etc. They are more common and difficult to control in deep litter than in cage systems. 

Symptoms of  infestation can include scratching, poor feather condition, unthriftiness, nervous behaviour and anaemia can occur with severe blood-sucking infestations
[10:36 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Prevention and treatment of lice and mites

Flocks should be kept away from backyard or wild birds and individual birds examined regularly for adult parasites and eggs. Infestations can be treated with appropriate chemical pesticides, either as dry powders or liquid sprays. Effective biosecurity procedures such as an all in/all-out clean out between flocks will help manage these pests.
[10:36 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Cannibalism (or aggressive pecking)

Pecking is the natural means by which poultry investigate their surroundings and 
establish a stable social order, however this behaviour can escalate to the stage where birds will literally peck each other to death (cannibalism).

 All forms of commercial poultry can experience cannibalism as it is a behavioural problem that can develop into a habit that will persist and spread within a flock as a learned behaviour, even after the initial causes of the behaviour have been corrected.
[10:36 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Prevention and treatment of cannibalism

As cannibalism can become a learned behaviour it can be difficult to treat once it has started in a flock.

 Therefore prevention should be the main aim and as such, good management practices should aim to minimise the stressors listed above as potential causes for cannibalism.
[10:36 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: TONIGHT MAIN TOPIC

Identifying herbs and plants (ginger, garlic, bitter leaf, scent leaf, basil leaf, cayenne, black, habanero peppers, clove) around you for disease prevention and treatment (with pictures)...purely organic

Production, dosage, administration/preservation Tagiri,LAB, Organic Booster, MVC, Molasses, Aloe vera soln., Garlic &ginger extract, ACV juice, etc
Organic way of eliminating weed and rat totally in your farm..
[10:36 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Organic farming can be said to be a unique production management system which promotes and enhances agro – ecosystem health. 
It is simply a method of using plants/herbs around us to reduce cost of production and improving the final consumer's health benefit.
[10:36 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Here are some organic plant needed

Bitter leaf
Scent leaf
Basil leaf
Habenero pepper
Canyenne pepper
Black pepper
Garden eggs
Lime and lemon trees among others

[10:37 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: We shall be teaching us on how to harness and make judicious use of these plants tonight but basically we shall be starting with Tagiri now other wise called Christmas melon or Santa claus melon

[10:37 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: In the preparation of Tagiri, the following items are needed..

Tagiri bulb


Cheese cloth 




[10:41 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: This taigiri can be used to manage and prevent  Newcastle disease and any gumboro case. Tagiri solution has been proven and is known to ward off viral diseases like NCD, IBD, IB and A.I

It is also used by humans especially men in the treatment of prostrate cancer.

[10:41 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Let's get started 

Get some Tagiri bulb

Peel off the green back, chop into little bits

Measure water that is about the same weight as the cut Tagiri

For instance if the Tagiri weighs 500g get an equal litre of water (500g)

[10:41 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Pour the cut Tagiri into a bucket,add the measured water too

Cover it with a breathable mesh/cheese cloth, use rubber band to hold it

 It takes 7 days for the fermentation to occur.

Allow solution in a cool dark room undisturbed for 7 days.

After 7 days sieve the Tagiri water into another big bowl, blend/mash the fermented Tagiri up with your bare hands

When blending the serum, use some of the water u drained off to blend the serum

 Remember do not add fresh water to the solution so as not to disrupt  the concentration of water.

Add equal quantity of molasses to the Tagiri

Molasses serves as a preservative and Tonic here. When added molasses, u need not to use vitamin again. In fact molasses is an organic vitamin.

[10:41 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: For instance if the total liters of the Tagiri content is 4 liters add 4 liters of molasses

But in the absence of molasses, you can bottle it up and refrigerate but ensure you use up the product within a month

But with molasses you can store it up to 4 months

Do not forget, the fresher the better


Tagiri solution should not in any way be used for pullets/breeder birds above 14 weeks or on layers(it cuts egg production)

Remove after one hour just like vaccine after serving

Dosage:1 cup to 8 liters of water

Half cup to 4 liters of water

Cup of itagiri goes into a litre of water. 

A cup =240ml, 


1/8 cup=30ml. 

So you will serve the birds like a vaccine shot, for instance, 

100 birds will take 30ml of tagiri in a litre of water.

 200 birds will take 60ml of tagiri in 2 litres of water.

It can be given to day old chicks in the form of vaccine to ward off viral diseases 

Note: with this, you don't need to buy Lasota, Gumboro vaccines. Its been Tested

[10:41 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: If you can follow this steps there , you will be able to prepare the taigiri. You can get this taigiri from people selling herbal mixtures in the market

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: This is a great antibiotic you can prepare and start giving your birds for prevention and treatment.

You don’t need lasota or gumboro vaccines

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: LACTIC ACID PREPARATION

 Probiotics are often called good or helpful" bacteria because they help keep the gut of livestocks healthy and help knock out opportunistic bacteria capable of causing diseases.

Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) are probiotics and additives used to boost the immune system of birds in poultry farming.

It also helps in better FCR and subsequent weight gain, reduces faecal odour etc. You will get a toll of the experience as you administer this natural probiotics to your birds subsequently

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Materials needed:


Powdered Milk


Cheese cloth

Bucket etc

This is very good too for our birds .


It helps in 

weight gain

Boost immune system 

Reduces the smell of poo in birds

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: The quantity of rice that will be taken will be dependent on the quantity of probiotics u want to produce

Get 3 cups of rice, (all depends on the quantity of LAB you want to make like I said)

Wash the rice in a bowl,and carefully sieve the water.

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Pls do not throw away the water at first wash because it is one paramount thing we need in this production

pour the sieved water into a jar or small plastic bucket 

Cover the bucket or jar with a breathable mesh/cheese cloth hold it with a rubber band.

Store in a cool dark place for 7 days undisturbed.

On the 7th day, you will notice the rice water content in the jar has been separated into 3 layers, namely;

A thin layer of dirt at the top,

A somewhat clear water

 and a thick gathering at the bottom

Use a spoon to scoop away the thin layer at the top

Carefully strain the second layer into another bowl, that is what we  need, then throw away the thick layer at the bottom.

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Add 10 parts liquid milk (you can buy 900g of powdered milk and dissolve in water) into the bowl containing the fermented rice water.

For instance, If the fermented rice wash water is 2 liters add 20 liters of liquid milk to it Stir vigorously for some seconds

Use a paint bucket for this and make a little hole at the top of the cover to allow the microbes that will multiply to breath, a hole not more than half inch, cover the hole with a mesh,

Do not allow flies or insects into the content as they will destroy the fermentation process,keep away from sunlight.

Keep in a cool room

Allow for another 7 days

After the 2nd 7 days you will notice a thick white hard substance called curd,take the curd out.

This curd can be mixed with feed and fed to birds

Strain/sieve the liquid into a bowl

The liquid at this stage can be used as an odour killer in your pen or septic tank at home

Now add an equal amount of molasses to the new liquid

For instance; If you have 2 liters of LAB add 2 liters of molasses to it, this is for

preservation,otherwise refrigerate.

Now to use your LAB for your birds you must activate your LAB

Dilute 1 liter of LAB to 10 liters of water Dosage: 10ml to 1 liter of water

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Do you know?

Adding 4 ml of Aloe Vera solution to 4 litres of broilers drinking water, helps the birds optimize the feed conversion ratio and consequently increase the weight gain of broilers in a very short time.

And the use of garlic+ ginger on drinking water doesn't only prevent CRD but encourages egg production in Laying hens

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: HOW TO INCREASE BODY WEIGHT OF BROILERS

Materials needed: Aloe vera leaf Weighing balance Knife

Get some aloe vera leaf extract the gel.

Get aloe vera leaves Weighing 340g.

Extract the gel and serve 4 ml in 4 ltr of water.

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Cut off some aloe vera leaves. Depending on how much aloe vera you need and number of ur birds, Cut off one of the outermost leaves of an aloe vera plant using a sharp knife at the base of the plant.

Depending on the size of your aloe vera leaves, you might find it easier to extract the gel by cutting the thick portion of the leaf into additional pieces..

Be sure that your knife is sharp to cause minimal damage to the plant.

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Remove the spines:

Before you can get at the gel core of the leaf, you'll need to remove the hard, spine edges on either side of each leaf.

Carefully cut them away

Make your cut as close to the spines as possible so that you don't lose a lot of gel in the process. 

Be sure that the aloe vera leaves are also dry before you begin this portion of the cutting as a slippery leaf could lead to injury to yourself

carefully slice away the skin of the aloe vera leaf. 

This will be the thin, outer green layer you see. Run your knife between it and the the thick, clear gel at the center, and repeat this process for the remaining top layer by flipping it to the bottom

you can over come all this process by simply using a fruit peeler instead... Remove and store the gel.

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: At this point, you should have slabs of clear aloe vera gel. If you see any bits of leaf left on them, trim them off.

Pls ensure to rinse the aloe vera gel itself 2-3 times when you're finished to be sure that it's free of any aloe latex residue.

Use a spoon to scrape up any excess gel left over along the skin.

Store all of the gel extract you get in a new glass or bowl separate from the water you used to wash the leaves with.

Your gel is ready

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: FOWL TYPHOID PREVENTION & TREATMENT

Ginger+Garlic....Canyenne pepper+aloe vera gel 


Get equal quantity of ginger & garlic. Blend both to extract juice.

Add equal quantity of water to both ginger and garlic and allow to ferment for 2 days. After 2 days extract water and store in a cool dry place..


Add 40 ml in 1 liter of water

Second day 340g of grinded Canyenne pepper + 340g of aloe vera gel, mix in 4 liters of water,give them like vaccine,just enough that they can finish within an hour

If you have 100 birds to treat give them a liter of this early in the morning if you have 400birds to treat give them 4 liters

Pls never mix Aloe vera and garlic in the same bowl

Herbal interactions between Aloe vera and many other ingredients are unfriendly.

Aloe vera lowers the efficacy of most of them so it is not advised to keep together for too long,therefore wherever Aloe vera is to be mixed with other ingredients it should be given to birds and consumed by the birds within the shortest time.

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Treatment of coccidiosis and worm

Materials needed 

Cheese cloth 

Bitter leaf

Weighing balance 

Cayeene pepper 


Get 500g of bitter leaf and 150g of grinded cayenne pepper. 

Extract bitter leaf juice by squeezing the bitter leaf solution.

Add 300ml to a litre of water and serve to birds for 3-4 days Use 400ml in severe cases..

Note the fresher the better

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: HOW TO TREAT DIARRHOEA

Get equal amount of Scent leaf +Bitter leaf, squeeze to extract juice

Add 30 ml for prevention and 40ml for cure Give for 3 days and 4 days in severe cases.

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: E-COLI TREATMENT AND PREVENTION 

Ginger+Garlic+Scent leaf extract

Get ginger, garlic and scent leaf of equal quantity...Squeeze to extract juice.

Add half quantity of water

For instance if the total g is 1000g for the above leaves extract, add 500ml of water.

Serve in drinking water for 4 days and 5 days in severe cases. Use 30ml for prevention and 40ml treatment

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF CRD

Get equal quantity of ginger and garlic and half of the quantity chosen of grinded cayenne pepper. 

Blend and add equal quantity of water to the blended herbs.

Ferment for 2 days using container and breathable mesh.

Serve 40ml per litre of water for 3 days 4th day fresh water

5th and 6th day Scent leaves extract Serve 40ml to a liter of water

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: HOW TO TREAT SALMONELLA AND FOWL TYPHOID

Materials needed Clove+Ginger+Garlic extract

How to get clove extract

Get clove of say 500g, soak inside twice the quantity i.e 1000ml of water.

Soak clove inside water for 3 days, covering with breathable mesh

On the 3rd day, extract clove water and mix with already fermented garlic and ginger extract Serve for 3 days for prevention, and 4-5 days for treatment.

Note: This also boosts semen quality in breeder farms.

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: FOWL POX TREATMENT

Fowl Pox: Scrape black spots with blade

clean surface with hydrogen peroxide/neem oil

apply palm oil or lime water on surface 

and then give affected bird palm oil or lime water to drink (give orally).

In severe cases, use the syringe to administer orally

Apply until lesions disappear

Give lime water for 3 days especially for wet pox

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: PREVENTION OF FOWL POX, FOWL CHOLERA,  E.COLI (3 in 1)

Materials needed 

Weighing balance


Basil leaft


cheese cloth

Get 340g each of  basil leaf & ginger

 2 table spoon each of grinded black pepper and cayenne pepper blend all together. 

Add equal quantity of water of the extracted . for instance if the total extracted blended solution is 500g, add 500ml of  the same product. 

After that, cover with cheese cloth tied with rubber band allow to ferment for a day, your solution is ready to use

Basil/ginger/black pepper/cayenne pepper 

340g of basil

340g of ginger

half of ⅛ cup of black pepper 

half of ⅛ cup of cayenne pepper.

Administration: Add 40ml of solution into a litre of water and serve for 4-5 days..

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: To make neem seed extract.

Materials needed

Neem seed



Cheese cloth 

Get 500g of neem seed and mash, grind, or pound with mortar and pestle.

After mashing, put it in a cheese cloth and add 100ml of water while it's still in the cheese cloth or breathable mash

Suspend it under a bucket to collect the extract.

Administration: Add 30ml to a litre of water with garlic+ginger extract to replace tagiri.

Give 2-3 times weekly as it burns fat...

This can replace Tagiri solution Its a Strong Antibiotics

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Organic remedy of wading of snakes from your farm.

Get equal quantity of onions, garlic, bitter kola, & camphor.

Blend all together, please blend camphor separately with perhaps hammer(do not allow it get in contact with any edible salt).

Put the blended materials in a can & add 2 times of water and allow it to stay undisturbed for 1 week.

After 1 week, strain the water out of the solution into a sprinkler and spray at any hole or crevice you think snakes come out from.

Apply once or twice monthly

This serves as an insecticide too.

Caution ❌❌❌

Do not spray it close to the birds drinkers or feeders else you want to count your lossess

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Organic Method of Getting Rid of Rats on Farms and at Home

Mix baking soda + flour + sugar at equal ratios 1:1:1. Mix thoroughly dry. 

Put them in small containers and place them at the corners of your store. They'll eat it and never return to disturb you again.

If you have a small bowl of that size, it can also suffice

Rats love flour and so will go for it. Secondly, the 'bomb' is sweet due to the sugar. Thirdly, bakingsoda has a funny taste that makes the rodent eat more

They will consume it.

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Now this is it how it works. 

Baking soda will react with the acid in the stomach of the rodents to create carbon dioxide.

Unfortunately rats and mice can't burp or fart it out. This inability will lead to their death.

Because the inability and internal blockage will cause ruptures, which consequently will lead to their death

Sometimes, to make it very irresistible torodents, you add a little peanut butter to the mix and add some more baking soda

[10:49 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Other ways of eliminating snakes in your farm 

Plant the following plants



Tobacco leaf (ewe tab)

Lemon grass


[10:50 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: APPEARANCE OF FAECES IN CHICKENS

Dropping with blood ~ Coccidiosis

Greenish drooping ~ late stage of worms, ND Newcastle Disease, eaten not well dry materials or eaten alot green vegetables if free-ranged., fowl cholera.

White, Milky running drooping~ worms, gumboro disease (Infectious bursal disease) IBD.

Brown runny drooping = E.coli infection.

Yellow and Foaming drooping ~ Early stage of Coccidiostat.

Black dropping ~ possibility of internal bleeding or too much of proteins.

Clear or watery running drooping ~ stress or infection bronchitis

Through these, you can know what infection your birds have .

[10:50 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: ORGANIC HERBAL CONCOCTION PROGRAM 

Week 1 - Critical phase

On arrival, give honey in water as anti-stress

Early morning shot of Tagiri (Christmas melon or Santa Clause melon) till 6 weeks.

Later serve below concoctions; 

1 cup of garlic 

I cup of ginger

¼ cup of turmeric

Half of ⅛ cup of cayenne pepper = 1 tbs

Half of ⅛ cup of black pepper = 1 tbs

After blending all together, 30ml will go into a litre of water. Just give a little concoction that they will finish on time (shot). 

Serve ordinary water when they finish this.

Every liquid in little portion. 

In the evening serve bitter leaf, a low dose, 10 - 15ml in a litre of water after blending it. 

Week 2:

Repeat the process but skip a day or two of garlic/ginger/pepper to give fresh water only. Do not skip bitter leaf, continue with a low dose 

Week 3:

Repeat the process but don't skip bitter leaf in the evening. Increase the dose, like 20ml of bitter leaf to a litter of water. 

Week 4:

Repeat the process, don't skip bitter leaf, increase the dose to 30ml into a litre of water

Week 5 - 6:

Basil/ginger/black pepper 

340g of basil

340g of ginger

half of ⅛ cup of black pepper 

half of ⅛ cup of cayenne pepper.

30ml into a litre of water. 

This is to ward off Fowl pox, fowl cholera, Bronchitis, Newcastle, E. coli etc

In the evening,  you may serve just bitter leaf if you noticed coccidiosis is still attacking them or you serve fresh water. 

At the end of 6 weeks, stop tagiri

Week 7:

You may serve black pepper and cayenne to keep Newcastle in check. You may add aloe vera gel to the pepper or serve aloe vera gel alone in the evening. 

NB: You can use wood ash in place of aloe vera gel

*With the above herbal schedule, you can raise your DOC till 8 weeks with no problem.


Use coconut water for undigested feed in broilers' crop (when the bird's crop seems stone-hard). Mix with drinking water and serve.

Please note: You need to be careful because bitter leaf has hypoglycemic effect. If you administer it indiscriminately, it may burn down the birds' fat.

[10:50 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: If you can follow this organic concoction from day old till market size ,

You don’t need vaccines nor synthetic drugs

You will enjoy the benefit.

Less mortality rate assured

[10:50 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Please read everything from the beginning you all. I think with this organic remedies I shared with you guys tonight , you will be able to tackle any poultry diseases on your own so far you know what’s actually wrong with your birds.

Thank you all for being in this group , I’m honored to share with you farmers the secret to organic farming itself

[10:50 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: With all these being mentioned, this marks the end of day 3 of our class

Read and Digest

Then ask questions........

Have a lovely evening......

[11:00 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 803 501 6171: What's the treatment for this disease?

[11:07 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 806 218 9160: Thank you so much for impacting the knowledge, God bless

[11:08 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 806 218 9160: Please how does cheese cloth looks like?

[11:09 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 806 218 9160: Can we have access to ask you questions through this media.

[11:12 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Use hot water to clean the surface of the eyes. Then remove the white substances from the eye.

Then Blend Ginger, Garlic and Tumeric together. Serve it to them

[11:12 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 703 246 9995: 1. Can I feed my broilers with tagiri solution from DOC to 6 weeks?

2. Do I mix bitterleaf and scent leaf extracts in the water everyday till slaughter?

3. Can I replace molasses with brown sugar?

4. Does LAB really prevent the foul odour that oozes out in every poultry?

Finally, thank you for the lectures and ebooks you shared with us.

[11:12 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: I'm gonna show you a picture

[11:12 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Sure

[11:15 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: 1. Yes you can feed tagiri solution

2. Only if you want

3. Yes

4. Yes. But it might not be enough to keep the odours out

[11:15 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 812 708 7316: ‼️‼️‼️😷

[11:15 PM, 6/16/2020] +234 802 664 1623: Pls what do you mean by lab?

[9:54 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Good day farmers

[9:54 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Today is our last day of the class

[9:54 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Lecture will begin shortly

[10:04 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: A-Z of Feed Fermentation

Required crude protein for different ages, strains of poultry

Feed formulation formula (do it yourself)

Identifying feed ingredients with ANFs

Feed ingredients suitable for broilers and layers production

[10:04 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: The formulation of these feeds, which is similar to commercial feeds, is based on years of research on commercial chickens. They are considered a complete diet, containing all of the nutrients required by chickens. In most cases, supplemental vitamins are unnecessary if these feeds are fed exclusively.

[10:04 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: The ingredients in these different types of feeds are similar; however, the proportions vary to provide the proper level of nutrition for the particular birds being fed. Each sack is labeled with its specific use.It is important to feed egg producing chickens the appropriate feed from hatch through 

their productive years to maximize their productivity. Feeding improperly at any stage can result in poor egg production. Whether they are, white or brown egg layers, all  chickens’ requirements for protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals are similar.

[10:04 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Your birds rely on you to provide them with proper feed. If you do, they will produce many high quality eggs for the family and customers.

Following a few simple feeding rules can lead to a healthy and productive flock.

Commercially raised layers hens receive three diets during the growing phase: starter, grower, and developer/layers mash. Most feed stores sell only one or two types of feeds for raising replacement pullets.

[10:04 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Feeds are formulated and manufactured for chickens to meet their nutritional needs at specific ages and production characteristics. 

For example, starter feeds are fed to chicks from hatch to a few weeks of age. 

Grower and developer feeds are fed to “adolescent” growing chickens, while layer or breeder feeds are fed to chickens that are producing eggs.

[10:04 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: What do you feed your hens with?

There is no magic to feeding chickens. As a small flock producer, you can choose from many brands of feed produced by several manufacturers.

 These manufactured feeds are computer formulated by company nutritionists to provide optimal nutrition for the particular type and age of chicken being fed.

[10:04 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: These feeds basically are layer feeds containing slightly more protein and fortified with extra vitamins for proper chick development and hatching. 

However, use of breeder feeds is somewhat questionable for the small flock producer, since the increased cost may not be justified by the potentially slight increase in hatchability.

You also may give both laying and breeding chickens access to ground oyster shell. 

Some high-producing laying birds may require the extra calcium provided by oyster shell, even though the prepared diet is a complete feed. The need to feed oyster shell can be determined by shell quality

[10:04 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Layer and breeder feeds

Once your chickens begin laying eggs, you can choose between layer and breeder feeds. Your choice of feed at this stage depends on how the eggs will be used.

Layer feeds are formulated for chickens that are laying table eggs (those used for food). Layer feeds contain about 16 percent protein and extra calcium so that the chickens will lay eggs with strong shells. 

Start feeding layer feeds at about 20 weeks of age or when the first egg is laid, whichever occurs first. Breeder feeds are formulated for chickens that are producing eggs for hatching.

[10:04 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: If eggs are laid with thin shells that are easily cracked or shells that are rough with almost a sandpaper feel, oyster shell may help to increase shell strength and quality. When feeding oyster shell, provide a separate feeder allowing free choice feeding on oyster shell.

[10:05 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Starter feeds

Feed newly hatched chicks a starter diet until they are about 6 weeks old. Starter diets are formulated to give proper nutrition to fast growing baby chickens. These feeds usually contain between 18 and 20 percent protein.

It is not necessary to feed “meat bird starter” to young layer chickens. Diets formulated for starting meat chickens are higher in protein (22 percent) to maximize growth, which is not necessary or desirable for egg laying chickens and is higher in cost.

[10:05 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Medicated feeds

Most commercial starter diets are medicated to prevent common yet serious diseases in chicken flocks. Medications are less common in grower or layer diets. Feeds that contain medications are labeled as such.

Check the label for warnings concerning the medication used in feeds. Withdrawal dates will be indicated on the label if there is a risk of the medication’s presence in the eggs. 

Feed medications are highly researched and regulated, so you can be confident that the eggs are safe to eat if you follow the label instructions.

[10:05 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Grower and developer feeds

Once the birds reach about 6 weeks of age, substitute a grower feed for the starter. 

Grower feeds are about 15 or 16 percent protein and are formulated to sustain good growth to maturity.

After about 14 weeks of age, you can substitute the grower feed with developer feeds if they are available. These feeds are lower in protein than grower feeds (14 to 15 percent) and are formulated to prepare young chickens for egg production.

Note: These two feed types are virtually interchangeable; either one can be fed to 

chickens between 6 weeks of age and the beginning of egg production.

[10:05 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Water

Water is the single most important nutrient that chickens consume. Therefore, it is 

necessary to provide adequate amounts of clean, fresh water daily during growth and egg production.

Chickens will drink between two and three times as much water by weight as they eat in feed. Their consumption of water increases in warm weather.

[10:15 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: In addition, you need to add several feed additives (micronutrients, minerals and vitamins) to make sure their chicken have a balanced feed that meets their daily nutrient requirements.

Material is available cheaply, especially after the harvesting season. Depending on the cost of raw material, those who make their own feed at home save between 30 to 50 per cent for every 100kg bag of chicken feed, depending on the source of their raw materials.

This means that if as a farmer, you are able to make your own feed, you make great savings on feeds which take up to 80% of the production costs.

[10:15 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Place feeders and waterers so that the trough is at the level of the birds’ backs. This 

practice reduces feed spillage, which encourages rodents, wastes feed, and costs money. 

Store feed for a maximum of  6 weeks, with pellets and keep it in a cool, dry place.

Some moulds that grow in damp feeds are dangerous for chickens, and old feeds can lose some of their nutritional value.

[10:15 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Making your own quality chicken feed at home to cut costs

Summarily, poor quality feeds lead to a slow growth in chickens, low egg production, diseases or even death.

Making poultry feeds on the farm is one of the best ways to maintain quality.

Except for a few feed manufacturers who keep to the standards in poultry feed formulations, many feed companies in the country make very poor quality feeds, a situation which has led huge losses.

The common ingredients are whole maize, wheat offal, soya bean meal,  fish meal.

[10:15 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Feeding management

The mechanics of feeding are nearly as important as the feed itself. Supply enough feeder space so that all the birds can eat at the same time. When space is limited, some birds don’t get enough to eat. 

Keep feed available for the birds constantly (ad libitum). Restricted feeding (giving a limited amount of feed several times each day) can reduce productivity if not managed carefully

[10:15 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Again, many feedmillers raw materials are not reliable, in that their raw materials stay longer than necessary which reduces its nutritional value and sometimes grow mould

[10:15 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Therefore to produce your own feed, there are so many things you have to put into consideration. 

It's only economical you produce your own feed if you have above 500 birds or you're staying closer to source of raw materials (For our Northern brethrens)

[10:15 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Each category of chicken has its nutritional requirement.

For example, if we want to make feed for layers, the feed should have at least 18 per cent crude protein.

If one was to formulate feed for layers, then they would have to calculate the percentage of DCP in each of the ingredients they want to use to ensure that the total crude protein content is at least 18 per cent.

[10:15 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: This is because, the feed millers try to sell raw materials the same price or even above the cost of getting a 25kg of feed.

For instance, if you purchase a  bag of feed at #3500, when you try going to feed mill to purchase raw materials, you will find out you will be spending close to 3700-3900 (depending on the season) getting the same 25kg of feed which adds to ur overall production cost.

[10:15 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: To formulate feeds, farmers have to use the substitution method, trial and error method, Pearson Square method

 In this method, the digestible crude protein (DCP) is the basic nutritional requirement for any feed preparation for all animals and birds.

Now, assuming that a farmer wants to make feed for their chicken using this method, they have to know the crude protein content of each of the ingredients they want to use to make their feed.

The following are the DCP values for each of the common ingredients used in feed

Whole maize — 8.5-10%

Soya — 45%

Fishmeal (omena) — 55%

Wheat offal— 17%

[10:15 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Making a 100 kg bag of growers mash (4 to 8 weeks)

Growers (pullets or young layers) should be provided with feed having a protein content of between 16 and 18 per cent. Such feed makes the young layers to grow fast in preparation for egg laying:

40kg of whole maize

24kg of maize bran

14kg of wheat offal

13kg of soya meal

3kg of lime

1.5kg of bone meal

3.5kg of fishmeal

Micro nutrients 

200g of salt

250g of coccidiostat

250g of Layer grower Pre-mix

250g of zinc bacitracitrach

250g of mycotoxin binder

[10:15 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Making a 100 kg layers of layers chick mash (1-4 weeks)

Growing chicks require feed with Digestible Crude Protein (DCP) of between 18 to 20 per cent. The following formulation can be used to make a 100kg bag of layers chick mash:


47kg of whole maize

23kg of wheat offal

22kg of Soya bean meal 

2.5kg of fishmeal

3kg of limestone

200g of salt

250g of layer chick premix

100g of tryptophan

100g of lysine

100g of methionine

100g of Threonine

250g of enzymes

250g of coccidiostat

250g of toxin binder

[10:15 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Making a 100 kg bag of layers’ mash (18 weeks and above)


53kg of whole maize

20kg of Soya

5kg of fishmeal

11kg of wheat offal

9.5kg of lime stone

Trace elements 

250g layer premix

100g lysine

100g methionine

100g Threonine

150g tryptophan

250g toxin binder

[10:17 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: NOTE: For those who have more than 500 chickens, it is advisable to make 1 ton of feed at once (There are 40 bags of feed in one ton).

Therefore, to make 1 tonne of feed, all a farmer needs is to multiply each of the 

ingredients by 10. Ensure that all the feed you make will last for 3 weeks and not longer —this ensures the feed remains fresh and safe for your chickens.

Any feed that lasts more than one month may deteriorate in quality and can affect your investment.

[10:17 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Layer feed should contain a Digestible Crude Protein (DCP) content of between 16-18 per cent.

The feed should contain calcium (limestone) for the formation of eggshells (laying hens that do not get enough calcium will use the calcium stored in their own bone tissue to produce eggshells).

Layer feed should be introduced at 18 weeks or at first sight of egg drop

[10:18 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Important tips on feed preparation

When making home made feed rations, it is important to do experimental trials, by 

isolating a number of chickens, feeding them and observing their performance. If the feed rations are right, the broilers will grow fast and layers will increase egg production (at least 1 egg after every 27 hours).

Buy quality fishmeal from reputable companies. If FM is used, the farmers must be sure of its quality; most of the FM in the open-air markets may be contaminated. You are advised to go for soya meal if they cannot get good quality FM.

Always mix the micronutrients (amino acids) first before mixing them with the rest of the feed, preferably with maize to serve as a carrier.

For mixing, farmers are advised to use a drum mixer (many welders can make one).

 Try not use shovel to mix feed because the ingredients will be unevenly distributed, if you must, please you have to mix properly & thoroughly.

[10:18 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Please Note: To improve on the feed quality, those making their own feeds should always have it tested to ensure the feed is well balanced.

[10:18 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Where to buy ingredients?

Those who need raw materials for feed making including feed additives (pre-mixes and amino acids) can order them from agro veterinary shops or a reliable feed mill nearest to them.

[10:19 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: Thats all on Organic Poultry class

With these, today marks the end of our class here. Glory be to God for making this class possible. Thank you all and God bless you🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️

[10:19 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: With all these being mentioned, this marks the end of day 4 of our class

Read and Digest

Then ask questions........

Have a lovely evening......

[10:59 PM, 6/17/2020] +234 812 708 7316: I hope you enjoyed our class🙏

Poultry farming in Nigeria practical approach Poultry farming in Nigeria practical approach Reviewed by DailyGgist_Official on August 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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