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40+ Incredible Global Funding Opportunities to assist Poor and Vulnerable Communities

Take a look at this compilation of 40+ incredible global funding opportunities to assist poor and vulnerable communities around the world.
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Weeden Foundation Grants Program to Protect Biodiversity
The Weeden Foundation is currently accepting a letter of Inquiry from organizations for its various funding programs in order to protect biodiversity…[more]
USAID/BFS: Board for International Food and Agricultural Development Support Mechanism Activity
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Bureau for Food Security (BFS) is inviting Applicants to apply for the Board for International Food and Agricultural Development (BIFAD) Support Mechanism activity…[more]
Internet Freedom Fund to Promote Human Rights and Internet Freedom
Open Technology Fund is seeking applications for its Internet Freedom Fund which is a primary way to support projects and people working on open and accessible technology-centric projects that promote human rights, internet freedom, open societies, and help advance inclusive and safe access to global communications networks for at-risk users including journalists, human rights defenders, civil society activists, and every-day people living within repressive environments who wish to speak freely online…[more]
Apply for PlanetRomeo Foundation’s Grants for Emerging LGBTI Projects & Initiatives
PlanetRomeo Foundation is seeking applications for its grants program to provide funding up to € 5,000 to grassroots emerging LGBTI projects and initiatives…[more]
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2019 GlobalGiving Accelerator inviting Non-Profit Organizations Worldwide
GlobalGiving is accepting applications from nonprofit organizations for its September 2019 Accelerator program in order to build skills, access tools, and grow their base of supporters to achieve crowdfunding success…[more]
Wildlife Acoustics announces Scientific Product Grants Program
Wildlife Acoustics has announced a Scientific Product Grants Program to support efforts in conservation and environmental stewardship…[more]
Rising Tide Foundation (RTF) launches Empowering for Freedom
To further strengthen the impact of their funding, Rising Tide Foundation is exploring the concept of Empowering for Freedom and is looking to support best projects in this space. They are seeking projects that show entrepreneurial approaches to social issues that advance the freedom of individuals and society…[more]
WFP Innovation Accelerator Programme for High-potential Solutions to Hunger Worldwide
The World Food Programme is seeking applications for its Innovation Accelerator Programme…[more]
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Submit Proposals for Creating Hope in Conflict: A Humanitarian Grand Challenge (Round 2)
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Grand Challenges Canada have launched the second round of its “Creating Hope in Conflict: A Humanitarian Grand Challenge”…[more]
World’s Most Prestigious Award for Sustainability- The Energy Globe Award 2020! Apply Now
Nominations are open for the world’s most prestigious award for sustainability- the Energy Globe Award 2020. The objective of the Energy Globe Award is to present successful sustainable projects to a global audience and to demonstrate that for many environmental problems feasible solutions already exist. Projects submitted from over 180 countries take part each year in the awards…[more]
Apply for Stop Slavery Award! Ending the Scourge of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
Applicants are invited to apply for the Stop Slavery Award to recognise the wide range of actors dedicated to ending the scourge of modern slavery and human trafficking…[more]
AGFUND’s Financial Grants for NGOs, INGOs, UN Agencies and Individuals
The Arab Gulf Programme for Development (AGFUND) has announced financial prize grants of up to US $1 million to NGOs, International NGOs, UN Agencies, Government institutions and also individuals around the world under the Prince Talal International Prize for Human Development…[more]
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2019 UN Global Compact’s SDG Pioneers is now open for Nominations
Are you a young professional (35 or under) using business as a force for good to advance the Sustainable Development Goals? If yes, then submit your sustainability story to be considered as a 2019 SDG Pioneer…[more]
$50,000 Research Funding Opportunity from USAID/FFP SCALE Award
The USAID/Food for Peace-funded SCALE Award (Strengthening Capacity in Agriculture, Livelihoods & Environment) is seeking research proposals from implementing partners, with the aim of building the evidence base for interventions at the intersection of agriculture and the management of water resources…[more]
FLACC inviting Proposals from Visual Artists around the World
FLACC is inviting project proposals from the visual artists working in a variety of mediaand disciplines around the World…[more]
2019 International Quality Awards is now open for Nominations
Nominations are now open for International Quality Awards 2019 to recognise and reward the contribution of quality professionals, teams and entire organisations across the globe…[more]
Adelante Reporting Initiative Fellowshipinviting Journalists to travel Colombia
As part of the IWMF’s Latin Americareporting initiative, Adelante, six journalists will travel to Medellin, Colombia from September 26 to October, 11 2019. All reporting fellows will begin their trip in Mexico City on September 26, where they will complete a comprehensive security and first aid training (HEFAT) from September 27 to 30. Fellows will then depart for nine days of reporting in Medellin, Colombia and the surrounding area…[more]
U.S. Mission to India announces “Media Startups Skills: Reshaping Journalism” Grant Program
The U.S. Consulate General, Public Affairs Section in Mumbai is soliciting proposals for a grant from legally-recognized non-profit, non-governmental organizations that meet U.S. and Indian technical and legal requirements to develop and implement public diplomacy programs…[more]
Submit Applications for Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative WomenConnect Challenge (Round Two)
Digital Frontiers with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is currently inviting eligible applicants to respond to the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative WomenConnect Challenge (W-GDP WCC) Round Two…[more]
Submit Applications for Adelante Reporting Initiative Fellowship РC̼cuta, Colombia
As part of the IWMF’s Latin America reporting initiative, Adelante, four journalists will travel to Cúcuta, Colombia from September 26 to October, 11 2019. All reporting fellows will begin their trip in Mexico City on September 26, where they will complete a comprehensive security and first aid training (HEFAT) from September 27 to 30. Fellows will then depart for nine days of reporting in Cúcuta, Colombia and the surrounding area…[more]
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ICFJ: 2019 News Corp Media Fellowship for Global Journalists
In collaboration with The Wall Street Journal, ICFJ is offering international journalists an opportunity to participate in an innovative program that includes training on creative storytelling and offers grants to support data-driven projects…[more]
Funds to support Groups Led by LGBTQI Communities working for Progressive Social Change
Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice is seeking applications for its International Fund to support groups led by LGBTQI communities working for progressive social change, addressing oppression based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression, and advancing work for racial, economic and gender justice…[more]
USAID announces New Directions in Advancing Locally Led Development Program
The U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) is seeking applications for New Directions in Advancing Locally Led Development Program…[more]
Nordic Culture Fund’s Grant Program to support Arts and Culture Projects
The Nordic Culture Fund is currently seeking applications for its grant program to support projects that contribute to an innovative and dynamic artistic and cultural scene in the Nordic Region, one that is diverse, accessible and of high quality…[more]
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World Peace Initiative Foundation inviting Applicants for International Peace Training Program
World Peace Initiative Foundation is currently seeking applications for its International Peace Training to be held on 2-15 December 2019 at Himmawan, Thailand…[more]
Core Infrastructure Fund is now open for Applications
Open Technology Fund is seeking applications for its Core Infrastructure Fund that supports the ‘building block’ technologies, infrastructures, and communities relied upon by digital security and circumvention tools strengthening internet freedom, digital security, and the overall health of the internet…[more]
5th Edition of the Free Press Awards to recognise Journalists Worldwide
Free Press Unlimited is pleased to announce its fifth edition of the Free Press Awards 2019 with an aim to celebrate the work of the best journalists and media professionals…[more]
Applications Open for “Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Okayama Award 2019”
Applicants are invited to apply for the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Okayama Award 2019 that aims to showcase good practices worldwide and to further advance ESD…[more]
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fundsforNGOs Premium also has a Jobs database where you can not only search for jobs by country or sector-wise but also receive customized job alerts on the same. Learn more.
Instagram announces Request for Proposals for Well-being and Safety Research
Instagram is currently accepting proposals for Well-being and Safety Research program…[more]
2019 Desmond Tutu Reconciliation Fellowship Award on Gender and Reconciliation
Global Reconciliation has announced the call for nominations for the 2019 Desmond Tutu Reconciliation Fellowship. The Fellowship is the premier award in the world recognising effective achievements in reconciliation. This year, the theme of the Fellowship is Gender and Reconciliation. The award carries with it an AUD $10,000 prize…[more]
2019 U.N. Correspondents Association Awards for Best Media Coverage
The United Nations Correspondents Association (UNCA) invites media worldwide to submit entries for its 24th annual UNCA Awards for the best print, broadcast (TV & Radio) and online, web-based media coverage of the United Nations, U.N. agencies and field operations…[more]
U.S. Department of State, Bureau of INL: Strengthening Civil Society to Expose Corruption and Support Law Enforcement Action against Corruption
The United States Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) is seeking applications from qualified U.S. and non-U.S. based non-governmental (NGOs)/non-profit organizations or Educational Institutions for a Grant/Cooperative Agreement to implement a program entitled “Strengthening Civil Society to Expose Corruption and Support Law Enforcement Action against Corruption”…[more]
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Premium Members can view a world map of open grants in real-time for each country. This tool is very useful if your organization is working in multiple countries. Learn more.
Atlas Corps: Inviting Global NGO Leaders for Fellowship in U.S
Atlas Corps is currently inviting mid-career professionals from around the world to apply for Fellowships in the United States…[more]
U.S. Department of State, Bureau of DRL announces 2019 Internet Freedom Annual Program Statement
The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) of the US Department of State has announced a Request for Statements of Interest (RSOI) from organizations interested in submitting Statements of Interest (SOI) for programs that support Internet Freedom…[more]
Nominations Open for the 2020 Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity
The 5th edition of the 2020 Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity is now open for nominations. The Aurora Prize aims to recognize and support those who risk their life, health, freedom, reputation or livelihoodin order to save and aid individuals that suffer as a result of today’s tragedies, especially man-conceived disasters and crimes against humanity…[more]
Dan David Prize is now open for Nominations
Nominations are now open for Dan David Prize which is an international award, endowed by the Dan David Foundation and headquartered at Tel Aviv University…[more]
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AHRC-DFID Collaborative Humanitarian Protection Research Programme is now open
The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) part of UK Research and Innovation and the Department for International Development (DFID) have established a new Collaborative Humanitarian Research Programme to help tackle one of the most pressing issues of their time: the protection of people in areas of war and conflict…[more]
Russell Sage Foundation inviting LOIs for Behavioral Economics
The Russell Sage Foundation is inviting letter of inquiries (LOIs) for its program entitled “Behavioral Economics” that support novel research that uses insights and methods from psychology, economics, sociology, political science and other social sciences to examine and improve social and living conditions in the United States…[more]
Applications Open for Immigration and Immigrant Integration Program
The Russell Sage Foundation/Carnegie Corporation is seeking applications for its initiative on “Immigration and Immigrant Integration” to support innovative research on the effects of race, citizenship, legal status and politics, political culture and public policy on outcomes for immigrants and for the native-born of different racial and ethnic groups and generations…[more]
Bureau of ILAB’s Evidence to Action: Increasing the Impact of Research to Mobilize Efforts against Forced Labor
The Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB), U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) has announced the availability of approximately $3,000,000 total costs (subject to the availability of Federal funds) for one cooperative agreement to fund a technical assistance project to increase the use of forced labor research in policy and programmatic decision-making to eliminate forced labor around the world…[more]
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Submit Nominations for 2019 Disobedience Award!
Nominations are open for the third annual MIT Media Lab Disobedience Award to recognize individuals and groups who engage in responsible, ethical disobedience aimed at challenging norms, rules, or laws that sustain society’s injustices…[more]
USAID’s New Partnerships Initiative: Conflict-Prevention and Recovery Program
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced the New Partnerships Initiative (NPI): Conflict-Prevention and Recovery Program (CPRP)…[more]
Submit Applications for 2019 Research Grant Program
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation is accepting applications for its 2019 Research Grant Program…[more]
Spencer Foundation’s Small Research Grant Program to Support Education Research Projects
The Spencer Foundation is accepting applications for its Small Research Grants Program to support education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived…[more]
Call for Nominations: 2020 Millennium Technology Prize
The Technology Academy Finland (TAF) is currently seeking nominations for its Millennium Technology Prize 2019…[more]
40+ Incredible Global Funding Opportunities to assist Poor and Vulnerable Communities 40+ Incredible Global Funding Opportunities to assist Poor and Vulnerable Communities Reviewed by DailyGgist_Official on June 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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