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Get started blogging: how to create a WordPress website from a scratch

If you're here, its either you are a novice who doesn't know anything about blogging/ web-development or you've had some experience blogging and you wish to do more research or learn more about what you have had before.

Any of the sides you belong to just know that this free tutorial gonna give you all the full information you need to start a website from a scratch.

If you don’t know how to create a website from scratch, the whole subject might look formidable.
Hosting, domain names, coding… It can all be extremely confusing.

How to create a website from scratch

When creating website the most professional one is to create any website of ones choice from a scratch. And today we'll be focusing on:
  1. How to buy a domain name
  2. How you can easily purchase a good hosting at affordable price
  3. How to use JavaScript
  4. How to style in CSS
  5. How to write in HTML
  6. Get started setting up your website

How to buy a domain name

Before we go, it is not everyone reading this article really know what domain name mean. And is very important for you to know this especially if you don't have any experience blogging before.

What is a domain name?

A domain name is what people type to get to your website. It’s your website’s address on the internet. Example are,, and so on. And this contain some extension which are .com,, .org,, .co, .net and so on. It varies in price and its depends on your budget but i would tell you this, if you're just starting with your website i will advice you go for cheaper on because if you go for expensive domain you might have money issue when the domain expire and about to renew it.

Where can i buy a domain name?

It is also important to do a researchon where to buy your domain name when you're about to launch your website. Because your registrar will also contribute a lot to your website well functioning.
To me, i recommend Dommainking for you because this is where i always buy all my domain name and it has been good with them. Another one is bluehost. I recommend bluehost because they have been in existence for a decade of years and also it is trusted and recognized worldwide. If you would like to buy your domain name from blueshost company, CLICK HERE
Note that i told its Domainking i have used and trusted, so i have confidence in Domainking and if you would like to purchase your domain name from domain king, click here.

How you can easily purchase your hosting at an affordable price

After you must have bought your domain name, the next thing is to host your domain so that it can exist on internet. Web hosting is where your website live. It’s your website’s house on the internet. Every website needs web hosting. Even a blogspot platform have a follow come hosting.

Thankfully, Bluehost , an official WordPress recommended hosting provider, has agreed to offer our users a free domain name and over 60% off on web hosting.
Bluehost is one of the oldest web hosting companies, started in 1996 (that’s before Google). They are also the largest brand name when it comes to WordPress hosting
because they host millions of websites.
On top of all this, Bluehost has been working with WordPress since 2005, and they are committed to giving back. 
Also Domainking is currently doing promo, you get 1 free domain name as extra gift when you purchase their web hosting plan plus 58% off discount. Click here now to purchase hosting from domainking and claim your off percent offer

How to use JavaScript

To code the backend of your website, you will need to learn an additional coding language like JavaScript. Backend development languages handle the 'behind-
the-scenes' functionality of web applications. It's code that connects the web to a database, manages user connections, and powers the web application itself.
It is not compulsory you do this your self, you may give it out to expert to this for you.

What is JavaScript?

Where HTML and CSS are languages which only tell your browser how to generate a page, JavaScript is a true programming language. It’s essential for every frontend developer to know it.
Why would you need JavaScript? Let’s say you are making a personal website. It has three sections,
CONTACT ME. You can insert links leading the user to the different sections at the top using HTML and then style this link to look like a pressable button with CSS.
For a basic website, it’s fine. But what if you want to get fancier with it and add some animations?
With simple JavaScript, you can do some pretty cool looking stuff.
If you are serious about knowing how to create a website from scratch for real, you need to know all three: HTML for scaffolding, CSS for styling,
and JavaScript for functionality.
The best free website i will recommend for you to learn JavaScript at your own ease time is YOUTUBE , note that it doesn't only comprise the tutorial but also include visual explanation. I have a friend who is now expert in programming, but the funny thing is he didn't learn it from anybody. He always visit YouTube time to time. Though this will cost you some internet connect data bundle but you will achieve your aim.

So I'm giving you a video that explain in details how to use JavaScript 

How to style in CSS

A web design is the soul of a website. ... Let us see how beneficial CSS is in a web application development. CSS
or cascading style sheets have made the development of web pages a lot easier.
It allows you to develop the overall look of your website. While HTML focuses on the content and structure of a website, CSS is concerned with elements of presentation
such as layout, font and colour.
CSS or cascading style sheets have made
the ...
Web design is the most important aspects of a website.

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets is a language that tells the website how all the different elements are supposed to look. While it does style your website elements, it is NOT a programming language.
Apart from learning on YouTube, you can also learn on how to style in CSS on w3schools, its a free website where you can learn lots of programming language.

Below is a vdeo to explain in details how to style in CSS

How to write in HTML

HTML is one of the core components of the World Wide Web, making up the structure of web pages. Once you've created your web page, you can save it as an HTML document and view it in your web browser. Creating an HTML page is possible using basic text editors found on both Windows and Mac computers.

What is HTML

HTML (or Hyper Text Markup Language) is not a programming language despite what many people seem to think. HTML is responsible for making the elements of your website function. It’s like the scaffolding on which you build the site and an essential tool to master on your way to learning how to create a website from scratch.

HTML tells your website what text is supposed to be on the page, where images should be, where links if there are any, should redirect the user.
To see what HTML looks like on a website, let’s say,, open the website in the Google Chrome web browser, right-click anywhere on the page and click View Page Source.
Okay, you have some idea of what HTML is, it’s now time to learn how to create a website from scratch using HTML.
There are hundreds of HTML courses, guides, and tutorials on the Internet. We have written a tutorial on how to learn HTML quickly on too.

Watch the below video to learn how to write in HTML:

These are the list of tools i recommend for you when creating your website from scratch:
  1. ETE tool (Enhanced Text Editors)
  2. AT (Automated Tools)
  3. IDEs (Integrated Development Environments)
Let's now look at their major functions

Enhanced Text Editors (ETE)

This is all what you need to start creating website from a scratch.
There is a variety of available tools to choose from. You may want to look at Atom, Notepad ++, Vim, or Brackets.
How does the whole thing work? It’s very simple.
You create a new document, frame it in an HTML- appropriate manner, and save it with the extension .html, like index.html, for example.

Using your chosen text editor and a web browser, you can change and shape your page until you’re happy. At that time, upload the files through your hosting provider and the website will soon go live.

Automated Tools (AT)

Setting up your website using WordPress is 100x easier than writing it yourself. All top website hosting providers have tools to automatically set up your site on WordPress. When it’s done, you log
in on wordpress and can then change themes, add plugins, and add the content (images, text, video) you want.
If you tried learning how to create a website from scratch and gave up to use WordPress, your knowledge won’t go to waste at all. After all, you can take a WordPress theme and customize it
yourself, using the CSS skills you learned.

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

This is the best software tools you need to build a website.
While the best IDEs like WebStorm, Visual Studio Code, or Adobe Dreamweaver have hundreds of great-sounding features, including live preview of your website, the truth is that you probably won’t need them for your project.

Unless your real intention is to learn how to create a website from scratch on a grand scale, buying an IDE for web development is complete overkill. Instead, you should get an enhanced text editor.

I tink with all this, you could create a website from scratch!

Get started blogging: how to create a WordPress website from a scratch Get started blogging: how to create a WordPress website from a scratch Reviewed by DailyGgist_Official on June 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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