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How To Get Your Upwork Profile Approved 2019 Fast

Are you ready to elevate yourself, a standout on “”, get upwork profile approved and in fact, get your disapproved account approved!
The world is changing rapidly, and skill relevant today may become irrelevant tomorrow.
One of the currencies of the 21stcentury is leveraging on your skill to create the future.
This post will make you more informed and financially stable than you think. – upwork profile approval tricks 2019
I’m not talking about looking for a job when you can leverage and sell your skills.
There are several freelancing platforms out there, what you do not understand
is Upwork Profile Approved is the underground secret to every freelancing platform.
You can argue about it, but the truth is, an Upwork account is like a money-making machine if you understand the process.

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You have a skill to sell, don’t waste it.
To open an Upwork Profile Approved account is the first step to fulfilment.
Well, I’m here to teach you, and in the next few paragraphs, you would understand how to open an Upwork Profile Approved Account that would get approved easily.
How To Get Your Upwork Profile Approved 2019 Fast

Step 1: Use a Professional website when getting started

The first step is to register yourself on Upwork before you can create a profile; what you might not be aware of, however, is that all you will need to get started is just an email and your name. 
Don’t ever use a VPN – I should probably warn you now (better now than later) that you don’t need a VPN to register, want to know why?
Here’s why: Upwork’s IP address changes often, and if they find out that yours changes often too, your account gets blocked immediately.

upwork profile approval tricks 2018

So, stick with one IP address (the IP address of the country from where you operate from) throughout.
Providing a personal email address (like “”) when getting started
just won’t cut it for Upwork: They need something that’s not personal but professional.
Upwork is particularly interested in working with professional freelancers and
they believe that nothing shows less professionalism than using a personal email address for work. 

upwork profile approval 2018

Having a professional email address (which is in the “” format)
immediately gives you a higher chance of getting your account approved pretty quickly because
Upwork Team would get the impression that you’re ready for serious freelancing, by the virtue of you using a professional website. 
Typically, I always recommend that freelancers have a blog or website they own or are
affiliated to, because, that way, to get a professional email address wouldn’t be difficult. 
You could get G-suites for Businesses for really cheap (starting at N2,500 per month),
which gives an with access to Google Business Applications such as Gmail.

Step 2: Beef up your Job title

Obviously, you know what works on Upwork (or any freelancing else for that matter), you need a Job title. 
Providing a job title is the first thing you would have to do when creating a profile
and that comes after you must have filled out a preliminary form (which comes right after
you’ve successfully created an account, and your email has been verified) asking you
to tell Upwork more about the services you wish to render to clients, the skills you have, and your experience level.
However, as straightforward as this seems, a lot of profiles will still get rejected even after they’ve clearly done everything asked of them at this stage. 

The reason this happens isn’t so hard to understand:

Upwork is pretty specific about what it wants you to state as your job title, so, 
It is not enough to state your position in a company as a job title or state something you do that’s too general. 
Things like “Graphics Designer” and “Software Developer” wouldn’t cut it as job titles. 

how to approve upwork account 2019

You would need to try as much as possible to describe your expertise in one sentence;
the goal here is to make the title not too broad and yet not too specific so Upwork
doesn’t think you are not flexible in working with other kinds of jobs. 
Try using titles such as “Adobe Illustrator Designer for Logos and Banners” or “Frontend Vue.js and JavaScript developer”. 
This way, the profile has a higher chance of getting approved.

Step 3: Give thought and words into the “Overview” section

After you’re done telling Upwork about your job description, you will be required
to write a professional overview, highlighting your top skills, experience, and interests. 
The “overview” section is an important section in your Upwork profile. It’s one of the first things a client would see on your profile
(once it gets approved) but most of the time, freelancers underestimate its essentiality. 

how to get approved on upwork 2019

In the professional overview box, you are allowed to input up to 5,000 characters about your top skills, experience, and interests,
but often times, freelancers just write a very summary of what they do; please, for professionalism sake, don’t do that.
Upwork appreciates a detailed overview and would pick an overview with more characters over one with just the minimum characters.
Needless to say, Upwork uses the Overview section of a profile to tell if you’re ready for work, or you’re just trying to get in there;
so if you want to get that approval pretty soon, you’ve got to take out time to fill out
the overview section with everything about you that’s worth business.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should write a whole 5,000 characters,
all you just need to do is explain in detail the overview of the service (or services) you hope to render; 
how you can add value to the businesses of your potential clients, the experiences you already have pertaining your skill, and so on. 
You could even go the extra mile by adding a video to your overview section,
though it isn’t mandatory to do so: I strongly recommend you upload a video.
Ordinarily however, a well-detailed overview has a higher likelihood to be considered by Upwork.
Down the page, you would be required to input things such as your education, employment history, and your English proficiency. 
You can then set your hourly rate, and add your availability and location.

4. Take Skill Tests – Upwork Profile Approved

At this point, your profile has begun to take shape – you could even submit it for review now, but don’t. 
You still need to do some other things, like taking a few skill tests. You can find numerous
skill tests available on Upwork based on several skills, so, find one pertaining to the skill set you have, and take it.
While freelancers are encouraged to pass the skill test they attempt, it isn’t harmful if they didn’t pass; because if you pass a skill test,
it would definitely bolster your profile, and on the other hand, if you don’t pass, 
you could simply hide the results temporarily, prepare on the topic, and retake it after a few days. 

5. Add a Portfolio and/or projects you’ve handled

It’s important for you to know that, as a freelancer, you need to have a portfolio.
A portfolio is a collection of your works, which you can use as an example of what you can do.
This comes in handy when building an Upwork profile, and it’s one of the things that determine whether the profile gets approved or rejected.
There is the space to add all the previous projects you’ve worked on, and that counts towards your portfolio. 
It also helps if you can list the skills you used on a project you’ve worked on, as these skills would be used to place you uniquely in the Upwork marketplace. 

how to approve upwork account 2018

However, I know that some freelancers are just starting out, and don’t really have any project they’ve worked on previously. 
Well,  there are other workarounds to still having a good portfolio, even as a newbie,
but eventually, you would need to be involved in a project in your field of expertise. 
Thus, for those freelancers who are just starting, don’t be in a rush to finish filling up the portfolio space. 
After all, the goal isn’t to just fill in details in the profile, it is to build a solid profile
that would certainly get approval from Upwork; to achieve this, you would need to take the time to get the necessary details ready.
Also, you would need to go beyond just supplying details to the mandatory fields, and fill all the fields you can find on the profile. 

6. Tell Upwork all your experience

It’s necessary that you tell Upwork all your experience in the expertise you’re hoping to work in. 
Some freelancers usually get it wrong as to what to actually provide as their level of expertise, but let me help you by telling you this: 
what is needed is your overall experience in your skills which you think you’re best at, not just your freelancing experience. 

how to get approved on upwork 2018

For example, if you’re a Graphics designer who is very proficient in Adobe Photoshop,
but wants to offer freelancing services using Adobe Illustrator — which you’re just starting to learn,
it would pay you more to state your proficiency level in Adobe Photoshop alongside your proficiency level in Adobe Illustrator, 
because you would only be considered an “entry level” freelancer if you only choose Adobe Illustrator,
but when you choose Adobe Illustrator alongside Adobe Photoshop, you would be considered an “intermediate” or “expert” level.
This would be to your advantage, because the Upwork marketplace give precedence to primary skills, and you just need to select a skill where you have the most experience.

7. Don’t forget your employment history

As a freelancer, who is really eager about doing business on Upwork, you need
to know that it is important that you must have worked somewhere before as a freelancer, or have some other similar work experiences. 
While I’m not talking about the usual “9-5” employment, I mean any work you’ve done for someone, with your skill set, and got paid for it. 
Even if you’re just starting out fresh from school with no actual work experience,
you could still mention the details of your Internship Programme (if your school organises that), or the little side job you did for a friend or someone else. 
The point is, you’ve got to provide an employment history of any kind because before Upwork team can take the profile seriously, 
they need to know you have done what you say you can do before.  If you don’t have any employment history or work experience at all
(which is very unlikely), try to gather the work experience before proceeding to build your profile.

8. Learn Uncommon, In-demand skills

Freelancers are eager and enthusiastic about getting unto Upwork and showcasing their skill and earning money in the process. 
I always encourage that you don’t follow the crowd, and carve a niche for yourself: become a niche freelancer. 
For example, JavaScript is a broad niche, but vue.js isn’t as broad, thus, if you are a JavaScript programmer,
you could learn and improve your skill in vue.js, and put yourself in a better stead,
because, a JavaScript developer with vue.js as his expertise has a higher chance of getting
approved on Upwork than the guy who says he’s an expert in JavaScript. 
Carving a niche for yourself should be one of your fundamental goals of being a freelancer. Be the one who does things uniquely.

9. Find someone to hire you on Upwork

One very interesting way to get unto Upwork is to find a client, who already has an account on Upwork, to invite you over to Upwork. 
Upwork has a programme called BYOF (Bring Your Own Freelancer), and this
programme simply allows Upwork clients to invite their own freelancers; 
it would surprise you to know that this is the surest way to get your Upwork Profile approved instantly,
because, to Upwork, it seems your profile and expertise is attracting a high demand even outside of Upwork, so, bringing you it would be a good idea. 
You can take advantage of the BYOF programme by sourcing for Upwork clients from outside of Upwork;
this could be on your blog if you have a blog, or by visiting other blogs and freelancing forums.

10. Never create multiple profiles

Now, I have been talking about the “do’s” all this while, without any mention of the “don’ts”,
well, I saved the “don’ts” for the last tip, so that it might ring for longer with you the reader.
Actually, there is just one “don’t” you need to pay attention to if you want to keep the possibility of working on Upwork. 
Do not create a second profile, no matter how much you might be tempted to.
You might actually be feeling you need to “start afresh” with another Upwork profile approved
maybe because the one you currently have is getting rejected, but I’d like you to know that when a profile gets rejected once, 
there is no chance that it would be approved a second time unless required changes have been made to it;
in the same vein, once your profile gets rejected, the chances of getting another profile, created by you, approved is zero. 
What you should do instead, is to try to build that one profile you have, and try to improve on the details you provide; 
a profile can be rejected severally before finally getting approval, besides, you risk going against
Upwork’s rules and regulations by creating multiple accounts, and that could lead to the suspension of the account behind those multiple profiles. 
You do not want an account suspension, because unlike profile rejection, there’s very little that can be done to lift the suspension.

Conclusion on Upwork Profile Approved Account

Upwork is a really big freelancing platform, and it makes you grow as a freelancer in several ways. 
It’s only normal and logical for every freelancer out there to apply to join Upwork – it’s the best freelancing platform according to most people. 
But then, not everyone can get approved, as that can only make the marketplace overcrowded and “messed up”. 
Therefore, Upwork has raised its approval requirements to separate serious freelancers who are willing and able to work, from passive freelancers. 
Do not be despaired if your Upwork profile gets rejected once (or even multiple times), 
all you need to do is to follow these guides I have explained above, and all would be fine; 
with these guides, your Upwork profile has an extremely high chance of getting approval from the Upwork Team.
How To Get Your Upwork Profile Approved 2019 Fast How To Get Your Upwork Profile Approved 2019 Fast Reviewed by Cocoentertainment on October 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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